Heyy could any1 plz suggest sum really tough programs dat can be written in c++??

Yes, I could indeed do that. Could you perhaps be a little more specific as to what a tough program is?

A program to print out the squares of the numbers 1 to 9 can be really though if you're just starting to learn to program.(In any language)

I mean i hav done spirals, d coin game n other such programs. I have also written sum of the games like ic-tac-toe,hangman etc..

Well, it all depends on what you are trying to achieve. We cannot guess that in your place.
The first thing that comes to my mind (it is almost diner time here) is cooking. Make a recipe database.
Make it produce grocery lists depending on the number of guests. Add search facilities depending on country, cooking time, ingredient, calories etc. Add foto, video possiblity. Tough enough, I guess.
What are your hobbys? Gardening, sport, film etc.?

nice idea...gud for making a project

In my point of view...Dry cleaning services it is hard project using c++

in my point of view you must start work with the pointer in c++ and solve link list project especially make a database project using file read write functions

Maybe a quiz program of English spelling? ;-)

I was going to suggest one that translates internetspeak into proper English, but I think pyTony pretty much has that topic covered.

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