I used to do a bit of programming in Turbo Pascal but since Microsoft eliminated DOS I don't know how to set up the compiler in Windows XP or 7. Can anyone advise how I can continue to use Turbo Pascal? Thanks

I got this reply "TP will still run in a DOS box, both on XP and Win7" but when I tried to launch Turbo Pascal I kept getting error messages like not a windows program or nothing happens at all.

The IDE may have issues because it uses graphic modes which are no longer supported. The compiler should work fine though.

You can even use DosBox to emulate DOS. Worked fine with me...

Why???Unless your going to program for Dos why bother...and if you are going to program for DOS...you should be using a DOS operating system.

If you just want to get back into programming...then get a Windows compiler like Lazarus or Delphi.
Lazarus is free.


and can be downloaded at


Borland no longer makes compilers. Sold their compilers to Embarcadero.


I did some Turbo Pascal myself in the previous century! But why not opt for learning a new language?
I your case I think Java would be a good candidate. This is just a suggestion, I'm forcing nothing here ...

Thanks... am thinking of doing just that. But I've got a few fairly large TP programs that I'd like to run every now and then and later convert into whatever new language

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