I have developed delhpi software sql database invlove now want to convert it into web application hwo plz help me iam new in this .

Do you want to use your Delphi as a DataSnap server? Please give some more information about your application (technology), and what you want to convert it into.

sir i used Sql server Database and query some data from Delphi now want this sofware to be accessable around the world and data is about weather .i have first time encount such situation i have now idea about what to use but thier are soap and wsdl and datasnap serever avilable . any of these can be use sir plz guid me detail from step to step. if u want i can past the software to.
thanx in advance.

A DataSnap server is one option, you can write an ISAPI DLL, that's another. You can run either on an IIS server, so I suggest you investigate both options and decide from there. It depends on what you want to provide, how do you want your data to be accessible to others?

we want to use IIS server
plz help

Mr.pritaeas sir i am waiting for your response

how do you want your data to be accessible to others?

First answer this.

only to see others my data

yes exactly sir

YOU have to make that choice, not me. Although I'd choose REST, which would be easy to implement using DataSnap.

i want to use SOAP

ok then plz guid me through about how to use Datasnap to publish my data in webpage

i also choose REST using DAtasnap

sir would u like to share me REST component i ahve not install it in my pc

What version of Delphi are you using? I think you'll need at least Delphi 2009.

sir it is Delphi 2007 in my pc

have you any web address where to download delphi 2009 completely.

Not sure if 2009 is still available, latest version is XE3.5 I think. You can buy it from Embarcadero.

In 2004, I used Delphi 7 when I developed an ISAPI application. I stayed away from the IntraWeb components and went with components from Developer's Express. I was very impressed with their level of customer service. My back end was SQL Server and the ISAPI was on an windows server machine running IIS. I would suggest that you possibly investigate that route.... going with DevExpress....

Here is a link to help out:

They are still around, unlike so many other components vendors and have components supporting Delphi from version 7 up through XE2..... I have both... :-)

They are up to XE4... goodness I do not remember XE3 !... Here is a ink for info:

Have fun... IHTH...

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