What is the most efficient way to read a bit at a particular position in a byte?

By definition the byte is the smallest size object that can be addressed, so you have to read the whole byte and work with that.

Off the top of my head, I can't think of anything likely to be faster than the simple and obvious approach, particularly if the compiler can identify and optimise.

if (byte & 8) \\ i.e. if (byte & b00001000) - testing for bit marked one

Maybe someone has some super-fast cleverness, though.

Here is a sample of code to test for a set bit. Adapt as necessary.

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
    unsigned char target_byte = 0x81;
    unsigned int i = 0; /* Always initialize variables - much safer! */
    for (i = 0x01; i <= 0x80; i = (i << 1))
        fprintf(stdout, "Reading bit %.02x\n", (unsigned char) i);
        if ((unsigned char)i & target_byte)
            fprintf(stdout, "Bit %.02x is set\n", (unsigned char)i);
    return 0;

What is the most efficient way to read a bit at a particular position in a byte?

Amazingly enough, it depends on the bit in question. A general approach to reading any bit neglects tricks for reading specific bits more concisely (ie. using fewer instructions), and thus "faster".

Using the right shift (>>) operator is the quicker, if not the quickest, method.

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