hi everyone :)
i want to learn vb6 , but i dont know where to start. I have a college project related to creating banking software where vb6 is being used as the frontend. i have around 1 month to get my vb6 skills up , as the project has already started and im lagging behind (as i dont know vb). i got very varied opinions from my frnds , and it only added to more confusion..
if the members could guide me to some good books/links that would be great! looking forward to a good time with vb. :)

I have a college project related to creating banking software where vb6 is being used as the frontend

You can learn about add,update and delete data from database.
Also Encrypt and decrypt data.

if the members could guide me to some good books/links that would be great! looking forward to a good time with vb. :)

thank you for the links!

in college , the backend sql is being implemented with oracle 9i , how much does it change things if i use mysql? sorry if the questions are vague ... i dont really know much about vb or sql.. lot to learn.

i was doing some searches on the net , a few places mentioned a book called "hardcore visual basic" being very good for those coming from another language. and also that the name hardcore was a misnomer , and its a good book. is that so ? can you suggest a few good books too?

many thanks!

Why learn an old version of something? Download vb.net 2012 and go from there.

in college , the backend sql is being implemented with oracle 9i , how much does it change things if i use mysql? sorry if the questions are vague ... i dont really know much about vb or sql.. lot to learn.

Not much change. The point is you already learn SQL Language and it's not different when you use oracle or MySql.
Most important is approching method to access database.


can you suggest a few good books too?

i'm Sorry, i learning vb from net

@Jx Man

Most important is approching method to access database.

the link you gave there , it has a code there.. is that used in linking the database to the frontend? but in our class , they linked it without any code , an excerpt from my notes says

settings > control panel > admin tools > data source ODBC > system DSN > add > MS ODBC for oracle > name > <project name>

i didnt know what to search for on the web to get a compact idea , whatever i searched , came out too complicated for a novice to understand. i apologise if im dragging the post too long , but this is one of the things about vb i really wanted to understand , if the members here could help me on this , that would be immensely helpful!

@Reverend Jim

how much different is vb.net from vb6? i once installed visual studio 2010 , liked the interface a lot , but i think syntax wise it was a bit different. although it could have been that i messed up somewhere and got a false notion.

the reason were doing it with vb6 is that we were told that a lot of enterprises and offices still use vb6 with oracle 9i... because of a_lot_of_reasons_i_summarised_to_be compatibility issues. if it was some regular teacher , maybe wouldnt have listened :P but the guy is a senior consultant , and its hard for us question him... he just floods us with facts (most go over my head) and victory_is_his.

Your senior consultant seems to be having a senior moment, I would say. This advice is not only wrong, it is dangerous, because VB6 and Oracle 9i are no longer supported by Microsoft and Oracle, respectively, and neither can even be run on an version of Windows more recent than XP without using virtualization. Microsoft has gone out of their way to make VB6 obsolete. Anyone starting a new commercial project in VB6 in 2013 is out of their mind.

That having been said, VB6 and Visual Basic.Net are completely different languages, with only superficial similarities and the same name tying them together. Moving from an existing VB6 code base to VB.Net is a major headache, which is the main reason the VB6 forum still exists.

Whether any version of VB deserves to exist... well, some people like it, anyway. If I only worked in languages I liked, I'd never get any jobs.

That having been said, VB6 and Visual Basic.Net are completely different languages

can the same be said for asp.net vs vb.net ? which one would you say would give better results if i learned it. better results as in how much it would help out in the software development market at present.

the link you gave there , it has a code there.. is that used in linking the database to the frontend?

Yes, a code for linking vb6 with Mysql but just few lines.
This is an example of connection vb6 with mysql:

Dim Conn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim ConnString As String
Dim db_name As String
Dim db_server As String
Dim db_port As String
Dim db_user As String
Dim db_pass As String

' fill the variable
db_name = "Address"
db_server = "localhost" '
db_port = "3306"    'default port is 3306
db_user = "root"    'default user name.
db_pass = ""  ' depend on your password on mysql
'/Create connection string
ConnString = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};SERVER=" & db_server & ";DATABASE=" & db_name & ";UID=" & db_user & ";PWD=" & db_pass & ";PORT=" & db_port & ";OPTION=3"
'/Open Connection
With Conn
    .ConnectionString = ConnString
End With

but in our class , they linked it without any code , an excerpt from my notes says

Yes, you can connect to mysql without code but using code and variable make your program flexible and can run in any computers.

thank you :) really helped me out :)

Example : This code trying to load data from mysql and show it in datagrid.
Just try it. Lookout for user and password.

  1. add reference : Project -> Reference -> Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 6.0 Library
  2. add component (datagrid) : Project -> Component -> Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 (SP6)

Add Datagrid and button to form then write this following code :

Public Conn As New ADODB.Connection
Public rs As New ADODB.Recordset

Public Sub Connect()
    Dim ConnString As String
    Dim db_name As String
    Dim db_server As String
    Dim db_port As String
    Dim db_user As String
    Dim db_pass As String
    ' error traping
    On Error GoTo Connection_Error
    ' fill the variable
    db_name = "Address" 'database name
    db_server = "localhost" '
    db_port = "3306"    'default port is 3306
    db_user = "root"    'default user name.
    db_pass = ""  ' depend on your password on mysql
    '/Create connection string
    ConnString = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};SERVER=" & db_server & ";DATABASE=" & db_name & ";UID=" & db_user & ";PWD=" & db_pass & ";PORT=" & db_port & ";OPTION=3"
    '/Open Connection
    With Conn
        .ConnectionString = ConnString
    End With

    On Error GoTo 0
    Exit Sub

        MsgBox "Err Desc : " & Err.Description & Chr(13) & "Err Source : " & Err.Source, vbInformation, "Error"
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
    rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
    rs.Open "SELECT * FROM AddressData", Conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockBatchOptimistic
    Set DataGrid1.DataSource = rs
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
' connect when form loaded

End Sub


which one would you say would give better results if i learned it. better results as in how much it would help out in the software development market at present.

Since this is your first time to learn visual basic then it's better to learn vb.net.

commented: Great example +2

thank you for that detailed example ! downloading the attachment.. gonna try this out as i already have vb6 installed.

Since this is your first time to learn visual basic then it's better to learn vb.net.

sems ill be doing that . i checked stuff on the net , and i made another post on the vb.net forums. you have already given me a lot of help , if you find the time to see that post , ill be very thankful if you leave some suggestion based on it.

this is the link.


I want to know how a standered calculator can i made with the help of visual basic studio 6.0 please give me the answer with code.

commented: Don't hijack threads and don't ask others to do your homework for you. -3
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