with terminal is there a way for me to get a list of names that are already taken?
like for things like variables and filenames import so I can't accidentally name something that will make a bug

This is a head start: Click Here
Also, dig around a bit, you'll find plenty more, or just hit on google python reserved words/python reserved imports.
As for the imports, before naming a module, make sure you check the name in the documentation, Click Here, to see if the name already exist.

#list of what's in the built-in namespace

If you not sure do a simple test.
You get a NameError if python can't find the name.

>>> reload
<built-in function reload>

>>> my_reload
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<interactive input>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'my_reload' is not defined

>>> list
<type 'list'>

>>> lst
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<interactive input>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'lst' is not defined

So my_reload and lst is ok names to use.
Also pay attention to modules names,so dont name someting random.py
When Python has a module named random.

You can run this simple code ...

''' names_reserved101.py
show all builtin functions/methods and keywords
avoid using any of those names for your variables, or
you will get conflicts, using keywords flag as error

from keyword import kwlist

print("A list of Python's keywords:")


print("Show all Python builtin functions, classes and alike:")
# does a case insensitive sort first
print('\n'.join(sorted(dir(__builtins__), key=str.lower)))

There is also this ...

print("Show all the modules Python currently knows about:")

Sorry to clutter this question with even more long code, but this is a script I wrote to check modules/classes for builtin conflicts. It searches the current directory for modules or can be used on other directories by adding to sys.path.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sys

def main(argz):
    addsyspath = argz[1] if len(argz) > 1 else None
    moduleorclass = argz[0][:-3] if argz[0].endswith(".py") else argz[0]

    print "current dir: " + sys.path[0]
    if addsyspath is not None:
        print "adding sys path: " + str(addsyspath)
    shortname = moduleorclass.split('.')[-1]
    print "checking: " + shortname + '\n'

    # retrieve list of conflicts
        conflicts = runtest(moduleorclass, addsyspath)
        # print results
        if len(conflicts) == 0:
            print "no conflicts found."
            print "found " + str(len(conflicts)) + " conflicts:"
            print "    " + "\n    ".join(conflicts) + '\n'
    except Exception as ex:
        print "error checking: " + shortname + '\n' + str(ex)
        return 1
    # success
    print "finished.\n"
    return 0

def runtest(module_name, new_syspath=None):
    """ module_name : (string) Full module name or class to import ("mymodule.submodule.classname")
        new_syspath : (string) Path to add to sys.path (/path/to/module)

        Imports a module by string name, inserts syspath if wanted, and does getconflicts() on it.

    # add python path (if it was passed)
    if new_syspath is not None:
        sys.path.insert(0, new_syspath)

    # trim .py extension (if it wasn't already)
    if module_name.endswith(".py"): module_name = module_name[:-3]

    # import module to check builtins.
    exec("import " + module_name)
    imp_ = eval(module_name)
    # test conflicts and return them
    return getconflicts(imp_)

def getconflicts(module_class):
   """ runs conflict test on already imported module or class, returns list """
   # test conflicts
    conflicts = []
    for i in dir(__builtins__):
        # test item, filter certain items.
        if ((i in dir(module_class)) and
            (not i.startswith("__"))):
            # filter __item__'s...
    return conflicts

if __name__ == "__main__":
    args = sys.argv[1:]

    if ((len(args) == 0) or
        ("-h" in args) or
        ("--help" in args)):
        # no args, or help flags.
        print "usage: pyconflicts.py <modulename.or.class> [<python path to add>]\n" + \
              "       example:\n" + \
              "         ./pyconflicts.py myscript\n" + \
              "         ./pyconflicts.py myproject.myclass /path/to/myproject\n"

        ret = 1
        # have args, run it.
        ret = main(args)
    # exit with return code.

If the name of this script is 'pyconflicts.py' you would run it like this:

./pyconflicts.py myscript
./pyconflicts.py myscript.myclass
  ** notice no .py extension, name it like you were going to import it.
./pyconflicts.py myotherscript /path/to/myotherdir
  ** if myotherscript is in a different directory, you will need to add that dir to python path.
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