This may sound like a crazy request. However, anyone from the vb 6.0 days will know what I'm talking about. Remember how the editor had the +/- signs that you can hide the code but it would be as follows:

public sub this ()
End sub

and clicking the + would do this:

Public Sub this ()
end sub

Is there a way to do this in the richtextbox control? Or, is there a different control that needs to be used?


I believe you would require a custom control for that as the control would have to be aware of the syntax of whatever language you were populating it with. In your example, the control would have to know that a block may start with Public Sub and end with End Sub, not to mention all the other start and end delimiters.

Rock the show. Thanks for the reply I will search on how to make this a reality. -=]

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