i tried running my first java program on winows 8 but it didnt display hello world instead it wrote something like a problem to do with "main"and also the red buttons.i am using eclipse,jre is my compiler

jre is not a compiler, it contains a compiler. it's the runtime environment.
have you set the path to the jre in you OS environment variables?

the followng

something like a problem to do with "main"and also the red buttons

is a very vague description. I assume he's saying he can't find the main method. what do you mean by "the red buttons"?

the JRE does not even contain a compiler...
It is rather contained itself within the JDK which also contains a compiler.

AS to the "problem", try learning a bit of Java. Start with a basic tutorial and work your way up from there.

commented: thanks for correcting me +14

the JRE does not even contain a compiler...

caught me on an error there :)

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