class counter
int count;
count 1 
int main()
counter c1;
return 0;

whats wrong in this program i am not able to know?

What are you trying to achieve in line 9 with count 1

For a default constructor that initializes count to zero:

class counter {
    int count;
    counter() : count(0){ }

Hi, Abhinisha..

u just want to demonstrate a progarm with default constructor,right?

U could do that in a much simpler way the altering the code u have..

class counter
int count;
cout<<"Default constructor\n";
int main()
counter c1;
return 0;

Once the object c1 is created, the constructor counter wil be called which prints Default constructor followed by the value of counter as initialised by u i the next line..

Feel free to ask if u find any problem still.

Still, you could've formatted the code a bit. nullptr's example points out very well the use of a default constructor. For multiple elements to be initialized, you could go the plain old fashion way of:

class Foo{
    int a, b, c, d;
    float e, f, g, h;
    Foo() {
        a = b = c = d = 0;
        e = f = g = h = 0;
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