Hi everyone, I'm dealing with both JMenu and JPopupMenu in a program. Looks good except when I switch from JMenu to JPopupMenu by right click, it doesnt work. How? Many thanks.

Need more info and the code that you think has to do that...
See if you assigned to your menu item the jpopmenu object.

I think that proper way is described in previous post

Lucaci: Yes, JPopupMenu(by right click) from JMenu but it doen't change the background. It's actually a program to change background.Many thanks.
mKorbel: I'll check,the menus are display on both JMenu and JPopupMenu but it's not displaying the background.Many thanks.

JPopupMenu(by right click) from JMenu but it doen't change the background. It's actually a program to change background.

This, I don't get this.

What do you mean by

it doen't change the background

? Isn't the JPopomenu showing when you right click an item from your JMenu?

Do you mean background color? If so use this, tweek as needed:


Many thanks, initiatialization of image icon made it work.

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