I'm supposed to take user input in the form of a prefix expression, convert it to infix and postfix, and then print the results. So far, I've got both working, but I would like to add some parenthesis to the infix expression once its converted. At the moment, I can't think of a way to sneak it in there.

Here's my code so far.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

static char s[50], i;
static char a[50];

void push(int data) {
	s[i++] = data;

char pop() {
	return s[--i];

// prefix -> infix
// prefix -> postfix
void prefix() {

	puts("Enter a prefix expression:");
	fgets(a, 50, stdin);
	int a_size = strlen(a);

	puts("Prefix -> Infix:");
	char *token, delim[] = {" \n"}, match[] = {"*+/-"};
	int j = 0, m_size = strlen(match);
	token = strtok(a, delim);
	while (token != NULL) {
		if (isdigit(*token)) {
			printf("%d ", atoi(token));
			if (i >= 0)	printf("%c ", pop());
			while (j < m_size) {
				if (*token == match[j]) {
		token = strtok(NULL, delim);
		j = 0;

	puts("Prefix -> Postfix:");
	int k = a_size;
	while (k >= 0) {
		if (a[k] == '\0' || a[k] == ' ') k--;
		printf("%c ", a[k--]);

void infix() {
	puts("Enter an infix expression:");
	fgets(a, 50, stdin);


void postfix() {

void main(void) {

	int c;
	puts("1: Prefix");
	puts("2: Infix");
	puts("3: Postfix");
	scanf("%d", &c);
	switch(c) {
		case 1: prefix();
		case 2: infix();
		case 3: postfix();

My first bit of advice would be to clean it up a little first.

PC-lint for C/C++ (NT) Vers. 8.00u, Copyright Gimpel Software 1985-2006

--- Module: test.c (C)
test.c 10 [Info 734] Loss of precision (assignment) (31 bits to 7 bits)
test.c 22 [Warning 534] Ignoring return value of function 'fgets(char *, int, FILE *)'
test.c 23 [Info 713] Loss of precision (initialization) (unsigned int to int)
test.c 27 [Info 713] Loss of precision (initialization) (unsigned int to int)
test.c 51 [Warning 676] Possibly negative subscript (-1) in operator '
test.c 59 [Warning 534] Ignoring return value of function 'fgets(char *, int, FILE *)'
test.c 6 [Info 728] Symbol 'i' (line 6, file test.c) not explicitly initialized

--- Global Wrap-up
test.c 56 [Info 714] Symbol 'infix(void)' (line 56, file test.c) not referenced
test.c 64 [Info 714] Symbol 'postfix(void)' (line 64, file test.c) not referenced

Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland
Warning W8071 test.c 10: Conversion may lose significant digits in function push
Error E2140 test.c 23: Declaration is not allowed here in function prefix
Error E2140 test.c 26: Declaration is not allowed here in function prefix
Error E2140 test.c 27: Declaration is not allowed here in function prefix
Warning W8065 test.c 32: Call to function 'pop' with no prototype in function prefix
Error E2140 test.c 48: Declaration is not allowed here in function prefix
Warning W8065 test.c 76: Call to function 'prefix' with no prototype in function main
*** 4 errors in Compile ***

The compiler errors are due to compiling as C++, but the others are worth a look. Some of the lint can be overlooked, but it's always worth looking into and finding out the reason behind the diagnostic.

And this always needs fixin':

scanf("%d", &c);

User Input: Strings and Numbers [C]

Add in not using void main , and it might look like something I'd consider looking into. [I'm not trying to be offensive if it may sound so, I just hate rewriting the same stuff over and over and over...]

I hate these new quote tags. And what is it with the slider. It doesn't look nice at all. Plz bring back old ones.

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>So far, I've got both working

wouldn't it be better to have an infix to postfix converter?

>I would like to add some parenthesis to the infix expression once its converted. At the moment, I can't think of a way to sneak it in there.

This is not something you can just hope to sneak in. You have to plan it very carefully, from the onset of your program.

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