I've created a program in java and now because I'm also new in java but I know better visual Basic i couldn't complete the program the way I wanted because there are features I find it hard to do so I just completed the main program on java and now I want to create the program that will execute this program I created on java using vb.

If you use the Process Class You can run any file and windows will use the associated program to open it.

If you use the Process Class You can run any file and windows will use the associated program to open it.

Thanks but I don't know whether that will help me or not but I will try it out, the problem is that the program that I created in java do run when I run it on the IDE but when I try to run it using the CMD it just say unable to start myproject.jar so it seems as if it can't find the project or it fail to execute it I even changed the JRE which was SE to just a pure JRE but this jre it act as an update to the system. The NaviCoder I failed to export the project in a way that it is an executable file it save a project in cpj format.

Sounds like your problem is java not .net

Sounds like your problem is java not .net

Jea that was the problem I encounted after building the project to a jar formate so when I was doing my research on how can I execute this I found some testing with the CMD but then when I try to test mine it didn't run so I'm now trying to install every java utility on my pc because it also said it can't create a Virtual Machine so I think I have to install the JVM, so when it did run then I will then continue with my project that will execute this jar file in VB but for now I'm trying to solve this problem I will also post the thread on Java forum maybe they can help me run this in a cmd on my computer.

Glad you found a way to proceed. Please remember to mark this solved. Thanks

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