Hi there, so I have a project idea for Java but I have no idea how to start it and was hoping that some of you could point me in the right direction.

So I got this idea based on a need that my mom had in her business.
I want to make a database that stores the names of the employees and how many sheets they have graded (that's what they do there)

I realize that this kind of program could easily be made in excel or maybe even found on the internet, I just want to make it from scratch and kind of learn some more Java in the process.

Thanks guys :P

Member Avatar for Rahul47

I want to make a database that stores the names of the employees and how many sheets they have graded

Is that the only thing you want to do ?

Oh, I forgot to add this: I also need it to be able to take the user input and store that data under those people.
And then after a month, you can compile all the data to see who is the most productive employee.
Thanks for reminding me :P

If the number of employees is under say 100 people, I should stick to an excel sheet.

But the entire reason I posted this was so I could learn how to program something like this. Otherwise, I wouldn't have even posted.

If the number of employees is under say 100 people, I should stick to an excel sheet.

I mean, I'm not trying to sound ungrateful, I appreciate your advice, it's just I knew that I could do that already

Member Avatar for Rahul47

Why dont you try to do it using VB.NET ? Making that application won't take even a day.
Start it and by end of day you will feel you have learnt and produced something.

OK, Java may be overkill for this app, but if your intention is to learn/practice some Java then...
Start with the "business model" - the classes that will model the employees, sheets graded or whatever. The work upwards from there to the user interface, and downwards to the database (JavaDB or whatever)

Thanks for all your input guys :D

and while you do all this , dont touch the ide.
make your memory and fingers work a little on that favourite text editor of yours.

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