for creating a GUI that allows the user to run the executable files through inputs

That's a pretty nebulous question.

In what language are you planning to code?
Could you give us a better idea what you are trying to do.

Sorry, I'm still new to this forum stuff and sort of new to programming.

My problem is that I don't know what language or tools to use?
I've tried programming some basic programs but never a gui or running .exe files.

What I'm trying to do is make a gui that requires inputs. Each input corresponds to an .exe file.
For example
1-Google Chrome
2-Mozilla Firefox
4-Yahoo Messenger

The gui would ask the user an input from 1 to 4. If the user inputs 1 then a google chrome browser would open. And if the user inputs 3 then the iTunes application will open. Something like this. Any ideas would help :)

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