what does this mean really need your help thank you!

Your query is invalid. It needs to be:

WHERE column1 LIKE '%something%' AND column2 LIKE '%something%'

ifthe vaalue of '%something%' is in the text box what will be query? :)

Type your line with the query here, so I can copy and fix it.

private void txtproductname_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

            DataView dv = new DataView(dbdataset);
            dv.RowFilter = string.Format(" SELECT * FROM productstbl WHERE product_description AND product_code LIKE '%{0}%'", txtproductname.Text);
            datagriditems.DataSource = dv;

dv.RowFilter = string.Format("SELECT * FROM productstbl WHERE product_description LIKE '%{0}%' OR product_code LIKE '%{0}%'", txtproductname.Text);

it still have an error

Syntax error: Missing operand after 'productstbl' operator.

what doesthis mean?

by the way sir im using mysql

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