Dear pals,
I installed Turbo c for windows 7 ultimate 64 bit , but it's not user friendly .When it use in full screen
the mouse is not working . Any solution for it ? If you know any new C compiler setup let me know.


I really like Pelles C for Windows. It's NOT C++, but it has an extensive help section, full IDE editor, debugger, profiler, and it's own forum for learning the in's and out's of using it.

There is a learning curve for using it, because it is a Windows program. I use the 64 bit, but actually create 32 bit programs with it, because they're more compatible with older PC's using earlier versions of Windows.

I previously used Turbo C, and one thing I really like about Pelles C is it supports the older headers: especially conio.h, which I had used in a lot of programs from years earlier with TC.

I just click on a box under project --> options tabs, and I can use conio.h functions, just by adding one underline before the regular function name:

gotoxy(), becomes _gotoxy(), getch(), becomes _getche(), etc.

I don't use these much, but some programs require that kind if functionality, and I don't know all the Win32 API's for it.

It also supports the Microsoft extensions, so when I want to run a program that uses Microsoft functions (non-standard), I just click on the "enable Microsoft extensions" box in the very same project --> options window.

A great feature is the way the range is extended for all the different integer and floating point type! You'll love that! That's not strictly a Pelles C feature, but it's still awesome! ;)

Anyway, it has a ton of other stuff, here's the info page on it:

commented: super cool explanation!! +3

I'll second Pelles C as a pure C compiler. That said, I don't currently use it because I switch between C and C++ a lot, and a C++ compiler (pretty much all of them are bundled with a C compiler) works better for my needs.

If you ever plan to use C++ as well, something like Visual Studio or Code::Blocks/CodeLite may be better. That way you can be used to the IDE's interface regardless of whether writing code in C or C++.

Code::Blocks with MinGW compiler is the IDE/compiler I recommend for new programmers because it's not nearly as difficult to learn as Microsoft Visual Studio. Also because at some point you will probably want to move on to *nix, VC++ is only supported on MS-Windows while Code::Blocks is supported on both operating systems.

can i ask one question ? that which thing does not support header files ? Like when u say "conio.h is not supported", so compiler doesn't support ? How can it be ? We insturct compiler to inlclude these-these header files while converting code into machine language. Can you elaborate ? @A.D sir OR James sir. thanks.

Like when u say "conio.h is not supported", so compiler doesn't support ? How can it be ?

conio is not a standard compiler header file. It was originally created by Borland in the 1980s for their Turbo C compiler. Read this wiki article to get more info about it.

The only header files that all C compilers must support are listed here. Anything not listed are non-standard and it's up to the compiler maker whether to support them or not. Almost all non-standard header files also require a library that contains the implementation of the functions in the header file. You generally can not use a library that was generated with one compiler with a different compiler. For example libraries generated with Borland compilers can not be used with Microsoft compilers for two reasons:

  1. The function naming convention is different
  2. Function calling convention is sometimes different.

Like when u say "conio.h is not supported", so compiler doesn't support ? How can it be ?

The compiler must implement certain libraries as specified in the ISO standard, these include stdio, stdlib, string, and ctype. Any other libraries are not required, and the compiler vendor can choose not to implement them. The conio library is one such non-standard library, so not all compilers will implement it.

Headers are merely the "public interface" for a library.

what will happen if i download conio.h and explicitly add that file in the section where all other files are there ?

It'll compile if you're lucky (probably not though), and you won't get past linking because the underlying library is missing. To make it more obvious what will happen, consider downloading windows.h onto a Linux machine and imagine how far you'd get.

I also opted for MinGW back when I used Windows. It's good if you're going to expand into C++ someday.

Mingw is a gcc/g++ (gnu compiler collection) compiler for Windows. It is ansi/posix compliant so the code you write on windows has a better than even chance of running on other systems, such as Linux, Unix, or OSX. It is also open source.

wth are people still trying to use turbo C when that product is going on 35 years old (older than they are almost certainly), hasn't been supported for over 25 of those, and was created for an operating system and hardware architecture they've at most only read about or seen in a museum trip?
Yet if they don't get a new iPhone every few months they start complaining that they have such seriously outdated stuff...

jwenting: In India, schools have unfortunately standardized around Turbo C/C++.

In India, schools have unfortunately standardized around Turbo C/C++.

It's an unfortunate reality that we have to deal with constantly. The result is that C++ programmers graduating from Indian schools are woefully under-skilled due to reliance on outdated tools. C++ has evolved significantly since Turbo C++.

Dear pals,
At last I found a good opensource tool for Windows. It's name is
Devshed C++ , but the last version released on 2005 , no problem
it's good for educational purpose.


Dev-C++ is no longer under active development. If you want a simpler interface than Visual Studio, Code::Blocks and CodeLite are both excellent choices. They also both use the MinGW library just like Dev-C++.

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