Hi, i just want to finish my j2ee application that have to receive many sms from mobile users of network operator and store these on database. I try to google it but i found nothing about this. Please, i just need an orientation step by step (Excuse me for my bad english i speek currently french). Thanks

several things you should know: J2EE is out of date, update to the latest Java EE version.
it's very nice you want to finish your application. this hints me that you have already started on it. unfortunately, you forgot to mention what it is you have already done, and what exactly it is you are stuck on. that kind of makes it look like a "here's my assignment, make it for me" request.

so: please be more specific about what it is you are looking for, what it is you've already done and what is not woking the way you want.

Thank you for your answer, i start the application on standard edition where i was using the jsmpp librairy that give the way to connect application to the smsc. About j2ee i am only a beginner, so i have no idea to implement a thread that can receive sms and store on database. Trust to me, I don't want somebody make my assignment at my place

as I already pointed out: don't begin with J2EE. it's legacy. it's "retired".

what can you suggest to me, because the best solution of my application is to accomodate on a server

what can you suggest to me, because the best solution of my application is to accomodate on a server

Go through some Enterprise Edition tutorials before jumping right into the battefield.

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