Dear Team,

I have decided to prepare for Oracle certified Java Programmer certification.
When i searched in Oracle site, It showed two certifications for OCJP.

  1. 1Z0-851 (Java SE6)
  2. 1Z0-804 (Java SE7)

For the the second exam which is 1Z0-804 they mentioned, we need to pass two exam first is 1Z0-803(Associate) and then the main exam .
For the first exam there is no pre-requiste , we can directly write the main exam.

So which one is best to write, the first or second ? Please advise.

that depends... for which do you want to take the exam?
a lot of companies are still using Java 6, so for most, the exam for 6 should prove more than enough. also, the differences between the exam for 6 and 7 aren't that "massive". once you've gotten the certificate for 6, I think you can take an 'additional' exam for 7, for which you'll only get the questions that are related to the new topics in the Java 7 exam.

but, to say what is the "best".... that depends on who you ask. don't only look at what is/should be the best. also ask yourself: how many time do you want to invest in this, and how much money can you spend. all factors you should consider when making your choice.

another thing you should reflect upon: do you really need this? if you live in a country where recruiters think such a certificate is a minimal requirement in order to be taken seriously as a candidate. over here (Belgium), however, a lot of the recruiters don't take you seriously when they see that certificate on your resume, they frown and say: "seriously?" . experience is always better than any certificate.

so, do you really need it? then go for it. for me, if it wasn't that I had some time between projects and my company paid for it, I would never have bothered.

Hi stultuske,

Thanks for the advise. As you said, my company also pays for me, so i though why not use the feature.

So as for as
I understand, taking 1Z0-851 (Java SE6) has no pre-requiste right ? I can directly go for that certification without having any certification in hand unlike 1Z0-804?

yup. but if your company pays, maybe you should let them decide what certificate they expect you to get.

Sure, I will let them decide which certifcation they expect.

Thanks for the advise.

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