Hi everyone, I'm new in vb.Net programming and i just want to ask how to validate a "Double" data type.
for example.

Dim number as Double

number = textbox1.text

If the value of "number" variable is in "Double" data type like 1.23 or 0.12
it returns a correct value and If the value of of a "number" is like ... or ..
it returns an error

Conversion from string "." to type 'Double' is not valid.

I tried to suppres the error using the try catch but it still return the same error

Did you try to replace the decimal point by a comma?

hi ddanbe.

No sir I didn't replace the decimal point by a comma. there is a different between comma(,) and dot(.) in checking a "Double" data type.
I trying to input this wrong value for the "Double" data type.

0.123.456 - this is wrong

This value is no longer "Double" data type. purpose is Im trying to solve this bug if the user input a wrong value or format.

0.123456 - this is right

Don't really get what you are trying to achieve here. If your textbox contains things like "..." and you try to convert that to a double, you will get an error. You could try to intercept the keys that get pressed and only allow one decimal point. Look here for info.

Here is the solution to your problem. First, to solve the conundrum presented by DDanbe, you need to use a MaskedTextbox and set a custom mask using as many numbers and you want on the left then a decimal point and then as many as you want on the right. If you don't know how to do this then look it up. Next you have to parse the input from string to strings to numbers to number like so:

Notably, the code is ugly because I wrote it fast for an example, but it works (and that's what matters). Check it out and it will show you how to parse input to validate that you have a double and then use that double in some way (I used a msgbox to display it). Anyway, hope this helps.

  Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        Dim num_len As Integer = 0 ' set by length of whole numbers
        Dim per_len As Integer = 0 ' set by length of decimal numbers

        Dim A As Integer = 0 ' place holder

        Dim str_input As String = TextBox1.Text
        Dim _Count As Integer = str_input.Length

        Dim str_number(_Count) As String  ' I don't know big of a number you want to go up to
        Dim str_Decimal As String ' Same as above
        Dim str_Percent(_Count) As String ' Use this to hold numbers after the "."

        For X As Integer = 0 To _Count - 1  ' Parse the whole numbers out now

            If (str_input(X) <> ".") Then  ' Parse the whole numbers and then the decimal point

                str_number(X) = str_input(X)

                num_len = X
                GoTo PARSE_POINT
            End If
            If (0 = 1) Then
                str_Decimal = str_input(X) ' 'parse the decimal point out now
                Dim dec_place As Integer = X

                For Y As Integer = 0 To (_Count - (X + 1)) ' parse the percentage portion out now (Count is total and X + 1 is whole numbers and decimal already done)
                    str_Percent(Y) = str_input(Y + dec_place) ' only use the numbers after the decimal point

                    per_len = Y

            End If


        Dim number_str As String
        Dim percent_str As String

        For T As Integer = 0 To num_len ' set whole numbers to 1 string
            number_str += str_number(T)


        For G As Integer = 0 To per_len ' set decimal numbers to another string
            percent_str += str_Percent(G)

        ' OK, now the strings are parsed and we can just convert each to a number and then add those numbers together
        Dim new_number As Double = Convert.ToDouble(number_str)
        Dim new_percent As Double = Convert.ToDouble(percent_str)

        new_percent /= 10 ^ A ' convert the whole number into its correct percentage of 1

        Dim total_number As Double = new_number + new_percent

    End Sub

And here's a quick alteration I did to show how you could parse out spaces. You could use this same kind of technique to parse out anything you don't want as input:

Public Class Form1

    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        Dim num_len As Integer = 0 ' set by length of whole numbers
        Dim per_len As Integer = 0 ' set by length of decimal numbers

        Dim str_input As String = TextBox1.Text ' holds user input provided from MaskedInputBox
        Dim _Count As Integer = str_input.Length ' total provided input string length

        Dim str_number(_Count) As String  ' maybe the length is all whole numbers?
        Dim str_Decimal As String ' Same as above
        Dim str_Percent(_Count) As String ' maybe the length is all decimal numbers? Holds numbers after "." is found

        For X As Integer = 0 To _Count - 1  ' Parse the whole numbers out now

            If (str_input(X) <> "." And str_input(X) <> " ") Then  ' Parse the whole numbers and remove spaces then the decimal point

                str_number(X) = str_input(X)

            ElseIf (str_input(X) = ".") Then

                num_len = X ' whole numbers equals how many iterations before we found "."
                GoTo PARSE_POINT
            End If
            If (0 = 1) Then
                str_Decimal = str_input(X) ' 'parse the decimal point out now
                Dim dec_place As Integer = X ' the decimal point is found where the 'X' For stopped iterating to come here

                For Y As Integer = 0 To (_Count - (X + 1)) ' parse the percentage portion out now (Count is total and X + 1 is where the decimal numbers start)
                    If (str_input(Y + dec_place) <> " ") Then
                        str_Percent(Y) = str_input(Y + dec_place) ' only use the numbers after the decimal point

                        per_len = Y  ' Y is equal to number of decimals processed
                    End If


            End If


        Dim number_str As String
        Dim percent_str As String

        For T As Integer = 0 To num_len ' set whole numbers to 1 string
            number_str += str_number(T)


        For G As Integer = 0 To per_len ' set decimal numbers to another string
            percent_str += str_Percent(G)

        ' OK, now the strings are parsed and we can just convert each to a number and then add those numbers together
        Dim new_number As Double = Convert.ToDouble(number_str)
        Dim new_percent As Double = Convert.ToDouble(percent_str)

        Dim total_number As Double = new_number + new_percent

    End Sub

End Class

Thanks ddanbe and Jamblaster
your comments are big help.

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