Hey, there isn't really a general forum that I was trying to post this is, so I've had to stick it in the "most" relevant forum that is avaialble.
I've been at uni for two years now and I still haven't found something that I'm particularly good at. I thought it may have been system security, but like my friend said: if you don't live and breathe it, it's probably not what you want to do.
The thing with that statement is that I've never felt like that about anything computer related, but it's too late for me to go back to college to change, so I'm trying to - not so much force myself to be passionate about IT - find some way of getting myself to live and breathe computing. I'd very much like to program though I've been told I don't have the right mindset. Although Software development isn't where I'd like to go, just being able to develop anything would be a bonus for me.

I have studied the following:

  • HTML and CSS (with a little JQuery)
  • Systems Design and Databases (mainly learning about relationships between entities within a system)
  • Java (hated it, but I'm open to learn other languages)
  • Networking (introduction and now we are on to a more in-depth module)

We are currently learning:

  • MVC and a crash course in C# (which I am rather interested in, as I wanted to be a web developer)
  • System Security (which is something I was interested in but learned that I didn't truly love it)
  • Open Sourced Web Design

I'm sorry if I have broken any forum rules, I'm just really desperate for help as I know that University is different to the outside world and I don't really want to be the joke of the office if I do something I'm not awfully keen on.
I'm not the most motivated of person, but I think that's because I dived into IT without thinking and I've never been one to spend hours upon hours learning about a computer.

Thanks for any replies/advice

Hi, hulkishungry, welcome at DaniWeb.
Oh man, oh man, oh man! You sound so depressive. Advise(for what it's worth): leave your studies and go do something totally different. What are your hobbies? What do you like?

Haha, I'm sorry I sound like that, it's just I'd like to get into IT, but where as everyone else started at a young age, I didn't and I feel like I can't catch up with them (I'm only 20 xD).
Well, I like to write and collect comics, but I know that if I just got a bit of help, I could turn computing into a hobby and make something of my studies, seeing how I'm in thousands of pounds worth of debt..

Well, what about computer graphics then or game developing perhaps?

I've tried and it doesn't interest me. I'm not a big gamer and I'm intimidated by the communites.
Should I take it that I'm not cut out for programming?

Well, I guess so.

There is something to be said about the comic book industry. Prehaps you might want to open up a comic book store, hobby store or even start to actually draw and/or design your own comics. Writing comics and stories might also be a passion you can pursue and of course, there's just about a degree (or a related-degree) for almost everything! XD

So bottom line: Don't pursue a career in computing?

I wonder how you figured that one out. :o)

Ha. Well, I sort of didn't want to admit it xD I mean, I'm good at stuff like I can make pretty decent websites and I'm flying through the work, but when I listen to people talk about stuff, I don't have a clue what they are on about and I never seem to be bothered to look it up ha.
Oh well, I best tell mamma..

At least you have some computer skills to back yourself up if there's a time of need!

Well I've had time to reflect on your opinions and advice and it's kind of motivated me a bit to carry on with my studies.

That's great to hear! Whether it's going into another field or continuing with your computer studies, all the more power to ya!

The best of luck!

Thank you. Sorry if I've come off as a sad person, I was in a really bad place yesterday. Thanks again :)

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