I want to create a Contact Info Application in vb.net
now I am having with the trouble that how can I generate a new exe file from main file?

I design the Form:
label (1: 1stName 2:Last Name 3:nickname 4: emailid1 5:emailid2 6:skypeid 7:facebookid 8:contactno .... ... .. )
and textboxex w.r.t labels...
And one Button(Save Info)
As I click the button: This file will generate the new contactname.exe file in the samedirectory\mycontact\
so that If I want to view someones contact without opening the application then I can redirect it so...
And i also want the application to save changes...

Is this possible?
I search on youtube/google but I don't get any thread on this.
I just get the thread on how to create exe file, But I don't want to create exe file I just want to save data and create it as data.exe

THANK You in advance

Do you want to store data in the app.exe resources?
If so, have a loo at the automobile example here

I want to save the data in the exe file.
Because Application is like this:
whenever we are gong to open the form same login will be asked and then load with the data.

I mean: I like to create the new exe file and the data to that exe file will be stored in that new exe file.

I stuck with this Idea from one of the video on keygen creator.
In the same way I like to do this.
If someone else know abt that keygen Creator then i will match the code with my application. (I think keygen creator is easy than of my app. so)

in keygen cretor:
We have to typr the details
tb: textbox
1st tb = "name of application"
2nd tb = "Description"
3rf tb = "all the serial" (each serial on each line)
and then create button

on click button:
I get the new exe file on the desktop with the 1st tb name...
I know how to create fake keygen
but unknown with the keygen creator...

If someone can do this, then I will try to match the code and publish my contact app.

I get somewhat idea from watching the Video

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