hi friends am nubie here and in world of programming i ve a i've learn few things about java programming and i wish to create a pos system using java but don't know were to start from, i need a head up my part of programming some advice and a coach if necessary please please i need ur help!!!!

take a look at the sticky threads on top of the java forum, they're meant to give beginners advice on what to begin with and where to find that information.

If your a beginner I'd recommend buying a book on Java. Something like Sam's 24 Hour Java as it will give you the basic starting blocks for the language. Going straight into a project such as a POS system is a bad idea as it requires a higher level of understanding, not just of programming, but also of Analysis etc.

ok tanx #obsys, will do just that

never go for a "learn <language> in 24 hours". it's about the same as "learn to drive in ten minutes, and hope you don't run over pedestrians while doing so".

the reason those books are so limited and fast to go through, is because they leave out a lot of very basic and important information, because otherwise "it would take a bit longer". buy a decent book, and be prepared to spend some weeks or months on the basics alone. trying to rush through it is just preparing to fail.

How do you add a membership records in java(bluej) First Name, Last Name, phone number. Please can you help me

How do you add a membership records in java(bluej) First Name, Last Name, phone number. Please can you help me

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