I am looking for a noob friendly C++ IDE for mac computers. I'm looking something similar to microsoft visual studio. I have tried xcode, but it appears to be missing some of the basic cpp. and h. files like stdafx.

Actually, the stdafx header is specific to Windows, and to Visual Studio in particular. Most other C++ compilers are only going to have the Standard C++ libraries, plus whatever system libraries are used on that OS. Since MacOS X has FreeBSD as it's kernel, XCode should provide most if not all the Unix libraries available to it.

OTOH, if you are looking for an IDE that provides drag-and-drop visual design tools, I'm not sure what you would be looking at. I'm not very familiar with XCode, personally, so I don't know what it comes with, or what extensions are available for it. However, I know that there are versions of Eclipse and NetBeans for the Mac, and while both of those are aimed mainly at Java, both have C++ support as well.

For a basic IDE and compiler, I would try Code::Blocks with GCC. It isn't as full featured, but it is fairly easy to use, and has plenty of support.

stdafx.h is a Microsoft header that is specific to a feature called "pre-compiled headers" that the Visual C++ compiler (among others) provides. This is not a standard header, and you should not expect it to exist on any other platform than on Windows + Visual C++. If you are very much used to working with Visual Studio, you will soon realize how (intentionally) non-standard that platform is when it comes to C++.

The preferred IDE for Mac is definitely Xcode. If you don't like it, you might try the Mac port of CodeBlocks, which is a popular IDE (on any OS). You might also try Qt Creator, especially if you want to do some cross-platform GUI programs. Or Eclipse is another very "noob-friendly" IDE (I would say, "noob-only", but that's just my opinion). Or, you can do like many people do, just use an enhanced text editor, like sublime.

I see. Well I have been working with Visual Studio for most of my time. I thought almost everything there was standard, thats the only reason why I started learning with MVS. I was looking around the web to try and find a code that that does the same as the stdafx, but I did not find any. Is there a code that has the same functions as the stdafx file? to be able to separate the functions' methods and declarations into a different file. Thank you guys for the reply.

You can seperate the function declarations and implementations into different files without stdafx.

Just create a file YourClass.h as well as YourClass.cpp then include your .h file in your .cpp file using the #include preprocessor directive.

I was looking around the web to try and find a code that that does the same as the stdafx, but I did not find any.

You will not find any, because other compilers do not need it. The stdafx header does not provide anything more than some MSVC-specific things that prepare your headers for being pre-compiled. Other compilers implement pre-compiled headers differently, mostly through compiler options (command-line options) instead of stdafx. In other words, you will never need that header on any other platform / compiler. So, don't look for a replacement, just forget that it exists, and take it out of any code that you have.

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