I am working on a project in BlueJ which I have to add an "Event Post" to a simple social network project. I have created the project but I am unsure how to take a string, such as "message", from a subclass of the Class Post and print it the post is a message post. If it is an event post, I need to print a string for the description of the event and then a string of the time. Here is the code that prints out the information about a post in the Post class:

     * Display the details of this post.
     * (Currently: Print to the text terminal. This is simulating display 
     * in a web browser for now.)
    public void display()

        if(likes > 0) {
            System.out.println("  -  " + likes + " people like this.");
        else {

        if(comments.isEmpty()) {
            System.out.println("   No comments.");
        else {
            System.out.println("   " + comments.size() + " comment(s). Click here to view.");

This is the code from the MessagePost class:

public class MessagePost extends Post
    private String message;  // an arbitrarily long, multi-line message

     * Constructor for objects of class MessagePost.
     * @param author    The username of the author of this post.
     * @param text      The text of this post.
    public MessagePost(String author, String text)
        message = text;

     * Return the text of this post.
     * @return The post's message text.
    public String getText()
        return message;

you instantiate the childclass and call the getText method, how else?

BlueJ? Are schools seriously still using that?

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