We have True 64 5.1 version of Unix that has c compiler. Also we run informix-4gl. Informix-4gl cannot do http post. But it can call "C" programs.

So I need to do http post through "C". Since I am not very good at "C", I couldn't change and compile uday chitragar c++ code.

Any body has working version of "C" code that does http post?.
Also reliable c based utility that will allow me to do http post.?

I couldn't change and compile uday chitragar c++ code.

As Googled and downloaded and Windows-modified, neither could I. I would venture to say that this line is buggy:

int request ("www.somesite.com", "/post_url.pl", "search=hello&date=todat", string& message);

I changed it to this and was able to compile. Whether it does anything useful, I don't know.

request ("www.somesite.com", "/post_url.pl", "search=hello&date=todat", message);

[edit]In the comments there is this item:

Sorry folks, this is not a compile and run program. This was to
demonstrate how post works :). Looks like people are interested in IJW
(It just works!) thing..... here it is,

Please replace main by following and It Just Works.

int main(){ 
  string message; 
  int result = request ("search.yahoo.com", 
  cout << "Result of query :" << result << endl; 
  cout << "Server returned :" << message<< endl; 
  return 0; 

I have xml file (say "hello.xml") which i want to post to this server with ip 121.232.232:3434

What would be my syntax on this code.

As Googled and downloaded and Windows-modified, neither could I. I would venture to say that this line is buggy:

int request ("www.somesite.com", "/post_url.pl", "search=hello&date=todat", string& message);

I changed it to this and was able to compile. Whether it does anything useful, I don't know.

request ("www.somesite.com", "/post_url.pl", "search=hello&date=todat", message);

[edit]In the comments there is this item:

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