I need a program which shows the number is even or odd and print the table of 2 if the any even number we enter and when we enter the any odd number the program print the table of three please help as soon as possible

All we can do is to answer (if we know) specific questions, asked upon specific code/logic related errors. I see only a statement and a request, not a question.
Please formulate a question regarding a specific part of your assignment that is giving you a hard time, and also post some code too.

P.S. We do not solve homeworks/assignments, it's your job.

Good luck.

commented: Nice answer! +15

we don't do your homeworks , its your duty to complete it.
but as a help i can suggest the following structure , you can use to solve your assignments.

if(n is even)
//write code to print the table for 2
//write code to print the table for 3

to check if n is even or odd , you can use % with 2(n%2) and check if the result of the expression is equal to 0 then its even otherwise odd.
And nothing extra i can do for you , if you fail to prove what you done so far to solve your assignment.

include <iostream.h> main() { int num,x; cout<<"Please enter a number"; cin>>num; if(num%2==0) { cout<<"Numbers are even"; } else { cout<<"numbers are odd"; } cout<<"Please enter a number you want the table of...!!!"; cin>>num; x = 1; while(x<=10) { cout<<"\n"<<<<" numx "<<x<<" = "<<x*num; x++ ; } system("pause"); }

here is the code but the program print every number table which is odd or even

it should be

using namespeace std;
int main()
int num,x=1;
cout<<"enter number";
return 0;

and don't forget to use code button when you are posting code.

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