Hello I am new to python coding and have a couple of things that I could really use some help on. I need to move some sor files from one folder to another and to add a date and time to the facts sheet that it produces if any one could help i would b greatly appriciated. Attached is my code

import csv, datetime

franchiseList = {}

with open('Franchise_Name_Scrub_List.csv', 'r') as ff:
    fcf = csv.DictReader(ff)
    for frow in fcf:
        franchiseList[frow['Misc Franchise Name']] = frow
with open('Franchise_Name_Scrub_List.csv', 'r') as fF:
    fcf = csv.DictReader(fF)
    for Frow in fcf:
        franchiseList[Frow['FRANCHISE Name - Directory']] = Frow

newrow={'Last Sale Date': '', 'Last Sale Amount': '', 'First Name': '', 'Last Name': '', 'Email Address': '', 'Franchise': '', 'State': '', 'Postal/Zip Code': '', 'Last Web Order ID': '', 'Date Added': '', 'Email Source':'', 'osg_web_dir': ''}
updaterow={'Last Sale Date': '', 'Last Sale Amount': '', 'First Name': '', 'Last Name': '', 'Email Address': '', 'Franchise': '', 'State': '', 'Postal/Zip Code': '', 'Last Web Order ID': '',  'osg_web_dir': ''}
new_field_names = newrow.keys()
update_field_names = updaterow.keys()

with open('/Users/HatterX/Desktop/Unprocessed/SOR935csv.csv', 'r') as f1, open('/Users/HatterX/Desktop/Bronto Files/FACTS_bronto_import_add3_24_14.csv', 'a') as f2, open('/Users/HatterX/Desktop/Bronto Files/FACTS_bronto_import_update3_24_14.csv', 'a') as f3:
    cf1 = csv.DictReader(f1, fieldnames=('CustNo1', 'CustNo2', 'LastOrderDate', 'LastOrderAmount', 'FirstName', 'LastName', 'UserNo', 'EmailAddress', 'Franchise', 'PrevOrderDate', 'PrevOrderAmount', 'State', 'ZIP', 'Amt1', 'Amt2', 'Amt3', 'SalesPerson', 'WEBID'))
    cf2 = csv.DictWriter(f2, new_field_names)
    cf3 = csv.DictReader(f1, fieldnames=('CustNo1', 'CustNo2', 'LastOrderDate', 'LastOrderAmount', 'FirstName', 'LastName', 'UserNo', 'EmailAddress', 'Franchise', 'PrevOrderDate', 'PrevOrderAmount', 'State', 'ZIP', 'Amt1', 'Amt2', 'Amt3', 'SalesPerson', 'WEBID'))
    cf4 = csv.DictWriter(f3, update_field_names)

    for row in cf1:
        nr = newrow
        nr['Last Sale Date'] = row['LastOrderDate'].strip()
        nr['Last Sale Amount'] = row['LastOrderAmount'].strip()
        nr['First Name'] = row['FirstName'].strip()
        nr['Last Name'] = row['LastName'].strip()
        nr['Email Address'] = row['EmailAddress'].strip().split(',',1)[0]
        if nr['Email Address'] == '':

        fr_name = row['Franchise'].strip()
        if fr_name in franchiseList:
                    nr['Franchise'] = franchiseList[fr_name]['FRANCHISE Name'].strip()
                    if nr['Franchise'] == 'IGNORE':
                    nr['osg_web_dir'] = franchiseList[fr_name]['FRANCHISE Name - Directory'].strip()
                    if nr['osg_web_dir'] == '':
                        nr['osg_web_dir'] = 'shop'
                    nr['Franchise'] = 'SHOP'
                    nr['osg_web_dir'] = 'shop'

        nr['State'] = row['State'].strip()
        nr['Postal/Zip Code'] = row['ZIP'].strip()
        nr['Last Web Order ID'] = row['WEBID'].strip()
        nr['Date Added'] = datetime.date.today().strftime('%m/%d/%Y')  
        nr['Email Source'] = 'FACTSauto'
        print nr

        ur = updaterow
        ur['Last Sale Date'] = row['LastOrderDate'].strip()
        ur['Last Sale Amount'] = row['LastOrderAmount'].strip()
        ur['First Name'] = row['FirstName'].strip()
        ur['Last Name'] = row['LastName'].strip()
        ur['Email Address'] = row['EmailAddress'].strip().split(',',1)[0]
        if ur['Email Address'] == '':

        fr_name = row['Franchise'].strip()
        if fr_name in franchiseList:
                    ur['Franchise'] = franchiseList[fr_name]['FRANCHISE Name'].strip()
                    if ur['Franchise'] == 'IGNORE':
                    ur['osg_web_dir'] = franchiseList[fr_name]['FRANCHISE Name - Directory'].strip()
                    if ur['osg_web_dir'] == '':
                        ur['osg_web_dir'] = 'shop'
                    ur['Franchise'] = 'SHOP'
                    ur['osg_web_dir'] = 'shop'

        ur['State'] = row['State'].strip()
        ur['Postal/Zip Code'] = row['ZIP'].strip()
        ur['Last Web Order ID'] = row['WEBID'].strip()
        print ur

I do not understand what you want to ask, your code is reasonable, except I do not recommend to repeat the field names instead of simple assignment using copy method to make fresh copy of dictionary.

You may also have chicken and egg problem where to get the first file to read at beginning.

What i am wanting it to do is on the add and update file i want it to add the current date and time to the end of it and with the file that is being read i ahve several of those that need to be read and moved from one folder to another on my desktop automatically.

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