hi...i have a project to do which simulates a calculator, quiz and chat session....i finish writing my code but i have no idea how to write the pseudocode since classes and functions are involved....can someone pls give me an example of a pseudocode that has both functions and classes cuz i'm completely lost

Since you write the code according to the psuedocode, the pseudocode should reflect your code. So post code. Maybe then we can show you how to write a psuedocode. But it will be very unlikely that someone will do it for you.

> i finish writing my code but i have no idea how to write the pseudocode since classes and functions are involved
You're supposed to do the design (classes etc) and pseudo-code before doing the actual code.

They're the design and scaffolding you use to build the thing you really want.

yea...i know...but in class we never wrote the pseudocode...we just wrote the program...but for the project pseudocodes are needed.......i just need an example not the whole pseudocode...pls

i need help writing Pseudocode for a sports good store the program needs to generate reports to check stock sold and stock avaliable

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