I have an assignment that is due tonight and I ran into a few errors. The first two parts compiled successfully just the third one ran into errors. I don't know what went wrong. The errors I am getting are

C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\Inventory Part 3\inventoryTest.java:51: error: cannot find symbol
    NumberFormat nfc = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.US);     
  symbol:   class NumberFormat
  location: class inventoryTest
C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\Inventory Part 3\inventoryTest.java:51: error: cannot find symbol
    NumberFormat nfc = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.US);     
  symbol:   variable Locale
  location: class inventoryTest
C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\Inventory Part 3\inventoryTest.java:51: error: cannot find symbol
    NumberFormat nfc = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.US);     
  symbol:   variable NumberFormat
  location: class inventoryTest
C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\Inventory Part 3\inventoryTest.java:80: error: cannot find symbol
    Scanner input = new Scanner( System.in );
  symbol:   class Scanner
  location: class inventoryTest
C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\Inventory Part 3\inventoryTest.java:80: error: cannot find symbol
    Scanner input = new Scanner( System.in );
  symbol:   class Scanner
  location: class inventoryTest
C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\Inventory Part 3\inventoryTest.java:123: error: cannot find symbol
    DVD = new DVD(name,number,price,stock,supplier);
  symbol:   variable DVD
  location: class inventoryTest

public class inventory
    //Variable specifications
    private String productName; // Is what stores the product name
    private int productID;      // Is what stores the product ID/number
    private long unitsInStock;  // Is what stores the number of product units in stock
    private float unitPrice;    // Is what stores the unit price of the product

    // Constructor for a product that is not specified

    // Constructor for a product with a supplied name, ID/number, unit price, and number of units in stock
    inventory(String productName, int productID, float unitPrice, long unitsInStock)

    // Method that sets the name of the product
    public void setName (String productName)
        this.productName = productName;

    // Method that sets the ID/number of the product
    public void setProductID (int productID)
        this.productID = productID;

    // Method that sets the unit price of the product
    public void setUnitPrice (float unitPrice)
        this.unitPrice = unitPrice;

    // Method that sets the number of product units in stock
    public void setUnitsInStock (long unitsInStock)
        this.unitsInStock = unitsInStock;

    // Method that retrieves the name of the product
    public String getName()
        return productName;     

    // Method that retrieves the product ID/number
    public int getProductID()
        return productID;

    // Method that retrieve the number of product units in stock
    public long getUnitsInStock()
        return unitsInStock;

    // Method that retrieves the unit price of the product
    public float getUnitPrice()
        return unitPrice;

    // Method computes and returns the total inventory value of the product
    public float getTotalValue()
        return (unitsInStock * unitPrice);

} // end class inventory 

public class DVD extends inventory
    private String supplier;
    private float restockfee;

        supplier = "Unknown";
        restockfee = 0;

    DVD(String productName, int productID, float unitPrice, long unitsInStock, String supplier)
        super(productName, productID, unitPrice, unitsInStock);
        this.supplier = supplier;

    public String getSupplier()
        return supplier;

    public void setProducer(String supplier)
        this.supplier = supplier;

    public float getRestockFee()
        return restockfee;

    public float getTotalValue()
        restockfee = (5*super.getTotalValue())/100;

        //added 5% restocking fee
        return (super.getTotalValue() + restockfee); 
}  //ends class DVD

public class inventoryTest 
    final int MAX = 5;
    DVD pt[] = new DVD[MAX];
    int numberOfDVD = 0;

    //this method sorts the array accoding to the names (Sorting technique: Bubble Sort)
    public void arraySort(int count)
    int pass , i;
    int temp;
    DVD s = null;
    //start sorting if we have more than 1 individual record in array
    if(count > 1)
    //make count - 1 passes through the array
    for(pass=1; pass<count; pass++)
        //in each pass shift largest element to right most position
        for(i=0; i<count-pass; i++)
        //comparing the names of Individuals
        temp = (pt[i].getName()).compareTo(pt[i+1].getName());
            if( temp > 0) 
            //if name at i position of array is greater than one at i+1 position than swap
            s = pt[i];
            pt[i] = pt[i+1];
            pt[i+1] = s;
            }//if ends
        }//second for loop ends
    }//first for loop ends
    }//if condition ends

    // Method calculates and returs the total value of inventory of all items
    public float totalValueOfInventory()
    float totalValue = 0;
    for(int i=0; i<numberOfDVD; i++)
        totalValue = totalValue + pt[i].getTotalValue();
    return totalValue;

    //Method that displays one product at time and total value of all inventory
    public void displayDVD(int index)
    // Set Currency to U.S. Dollars     
    NumberFormat nfc = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.US);     

    // display one DVD
    System.out.println( "Name:                   " + pt[index].getName() );
    System.out.println( "ID:                     " + pt[index].getProductID() );
    System.out.println( "Unit Price:             " + nfc.format( pt[index].getUnitPrice() ) );
    System.out.println( "Units in Stock:         " + pt[index].getUnitsInStock() );
    System.out.println( "Total Product Value:    " + nfc.format( pt[index].getTotalValue() ) );
    System.out.println( "Manufacturer:           " + pt[index].getSupplier() );
    System.out.println( "Restocking Fee:         " + nfc.format(pt[index].getRestockFee()) );

    System.out.println( "\nTotal Value of Inventory: " + nfc.format( totalValueOfInventory() ) );

    //main method
    public static void main( String args[] )
    //variables for accepting data
    String name;
    int number;
    long stock;
    float price;
    String supplier;

    //create an object inventoryTest class
    inventoryTest tip = new inventoryTest();

        // create Scanner to obtain input from command window
    Scanner input = new Scanner( System.in );

    // Show Program Welcome Message
    System.out.println( );                      // Show an Empty Line
    System.out.println( "Welcome to Inventory Program Part 3!");        // Show Welcome Message 
    System.out.println( );                      // Show an Empty Line

    // Create a reference
    DVD dvd;

    //this loop continues to accept information until user enters "stop" as product name
    // Show an Empty Line
    System.out.println( );          
    // Prompt for Product Name
    System.out.print( "Enter a Product Name(or STOP to End Program): " );       // prompt message
    name = input.nextLine();                        // read the product name

    if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("stop"))   //check whether user entered "stop"
        break;  //breaks while loop

    // Prompt for Product ID
    System.out.print( "Enter a Product ID: " );                     // prompt message
    number = input.nextInt();                       // read the product ID

    // Prompt for Product's Unit Price
    System.out.print( "Enter the Product's Unit Price ($): " );             // prompt message
    price = input.nextFloat();                      // read the product's unit price

    // Prompt for Product's Stock Inventory
    System.out.print( "Enter the Number of Product Units in Stock: " );         // prompt message
    stock = input.nextLong();                       // read the number of product units in stock

    input.nextLine();   // Need this to get leftover carriage return

    // Prompt for supplier
    System.out.print( "Enter Product Producer: " );                 // prompt message
    supplier = input.nextLine();                        // read the supplier

    //create new inventory
    DVD = new DVD(name,number,price,stock,supplier);

    if(tip.numberOfDVD < tip.MAX)    //check whether the array is full or not
        tip.pt[tip.numberOfDVD] = dvd;
        System.out.println( );      // Show an Empty Line
        System.out.println( "Inventory Information Added" );    
        tip.displayDVD(tip.numberOfDVD - 1);
        System.out.println("\nArray is full. Please stop entering more information.");

    }//end infinite while loop

    //sort the array

    //display the sorted array
    System.out.println("\nInventory Sorted\n");
    for(int i = 0; i < tip.numberOfDVD; i++)

    } // end method main

}//ends class

have you tried by adding the required import statements?

Most of the symbols it can't find are the names of standard API classes, so it looks like you forgot (some of) the import statements at the start of your .java file(s)

Thank you all I figured it out last night. I did remember to add the import statement and it ended up compiling successfully.

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