hi guys am new please i your help to debug the error with this code am working with String output="Sum of the Addition of "+num1+" "+num2+" "+num3+" "+num4+" Sum

String output="Sum of the Addition of "+num1+" "+num2+" "+num3+" "+num4+" Sum
is missing a "; at the end. it should be:

String output="Sum of the Addition of "+num1+" "+num2+" "+num3+" "+num4+" Sum";

or: you didn't close your String literal, as your error message said.

@stultuske Logically the sum here is a variable, for ex: Sum of the Addition of 1 2 3 4 is 10

@OMDYD Try this

String output="Sum of the Addition of "+num1+" "+num2+" "+num3+" "+num4+" is "+Sum;
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