There are no Ribbon object in toolBox but I desire to add a ribbon instead of MenuBar or ToolBar like Office. I search everywhere in vb.NET2010. How do I add it in my project. I have no idea.

Actually I have also seen one of this above topic somewhere in the thread over Google.
I found the Krypton somewhere which have ribbons like Office Theme.

Sorry, I dont get in that much details with it, but This may help you.
Its already installed on my PC (krypton 4.4.0 and C4F and Dot Net) provides this types of Tools...

Actually there is one in vb toolbox, it's "ToolStrip".

Agree with Oussama_1, to make it fancy you will have to create your own graphics and load them using this very same tool.

Iam in searching. But in MSDN they describe about it and say that it is not a direct tool for vb.NET. you have to create a user control through WPF. and then you can use it. but I am in searching a ready tool like others which performs my every work as ToolBar Does.

Even if you find a ready tool you'll have to write code in it, so take that effort and create your own toolBar that will suit your needs.
There's a lot of video tutorial on how to use or design your toolstrip, give it a try.

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