I have a problem
My program has 2 form
1: form1 - main form
2: form3 - history browser - to load ariables from "database" (simple csv file) into form1 (Main) controls..

form3 should load and pass variables to form1 controls.text
I have only problem with ckheckedListBox in form3 - and I probably know why:

            Form1 f1 = new Form1(cfg_name);
            f1.comboBox_Maintenance_incident.Text = return_data[3];
            f1.comboBox_Type.Text = return_data[4];
            f1.comboBox_Affected_Item.Text = return_data[5];
            temp = return_data[6].Split(';');

                for (int i = 0; i < temp.Count(); i++)
                    int index = 0;
                    foreach (object item in f1.checkedListBox_Items.Items)
                        if (temp[i] == item.ToString())
                            f1.checkedListBox_Items.SetItemChecked(index, true);



This loop compare texts from temp array and if the that text matches with the text of any item from checklistbox - it ticks it.
the inner loop (foreach) even does not start...I suspect that it happens because Form1 is already closed - so there are no items to compare and to check if the condition is fullfilled..

I start form2 from main form - this way:

            Form3 f3 = new Form3();

thx for help in advance...I really dont know how to overcome my problem...To check items from other form without creating the new instance :(

Well. You can't pass information back to the main form if you close it.
You have already hidden it. Isn't that enough?

Suggestion. If the second form is nothing but a data retriever, sorter and parser, open it as a modal form instead and throw a progressbar on it or something and keep the main form open in the background.
When the job is done, close the second form from within itself.

I did it other way.
I just did a panel and throw everything threre.
Looks littlebit different - but its way easier to implement ..and the most important - IT WORKS :)

Thx for help btw :)

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