Hi ive been trying to click a close button within a iframe within a webbrowser control..
my code works in WebBrowser.Document not Reading Outterhtml="x"

        Catch ex As Exception

        End Try


Dim theElementCollection3 As Windows.Forms.HtmlElementCollection
        theElementCollection3 = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("img")
        For Each curElement As HtmlElement In theElementCollection3
            If curElement.GetAttribute("alt").Contains("x") Then
            End If


But does not work in InvokeMember("click") in a iframe..

iframe Code:

<a href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="removeOverlayHTML()">
<img style="position:absolute;top:97px;left:290px;border:0;z-index:101;width:10px;height:10px" src="http://www.castup.tv/images/close_button.png" alt="x"/></a>

PLease!!!! Help!! Thank You...

I'm not 100% but wouldn't you need to invoke the "onClick" member?

If this is your own HTML source you can give the <a> tag an id. in this case "Test" then use the following code.

Dim theElementCollection3 As Windows.Forms.HtmlElement

theElementCollection3 = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("Test")


The <a> tag looks like this

<a id="Test" href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="removeOverlayHTML()">
<img style="position:absolute;top:97px;left:290px;border:0;z-index:101;width:10px;height:10px" src="http://www.castup.tv/images/close_button.png" alt="x"/></a>

Thanks for your reply.. "click" and "onClick" work.. but seem to have no effect on iframe button heres an image of exit button im trying to click..


Source URl http://www.v-watch.me/live.php?id=20

Im Trying to click on the x click button to close ad banner.. Please help!!

Thanks for your reply.. HTML Source Is Not Mine..

Ok, this is going to hit every <a> tag in the iframe with invoke onclick, but give it a shot

 Dim theElementCollection3 As Windows.Forms.HtmlElementCollection

 'This line now includes access to the iFrame document.
 theElementCollection3 = WebBrowser1.Document.Window.Frames(0).Document.GetElementsByTagName("a")

 For Each Element As HtmlElement In theElementCollection3

if there's more than one frame try changing the Frames(0) to another index. if the index is wrong you will get an error.

I got this to work on a quick demo I made here.


example2.html has an iframe whose source is sameURL/example.html

Thanks for your reply.. im working with your solution and i keep getting Acces Denied?..


Bugger. That's beyond my knowledge I'm afraid. Maybe you could post that response in web development and ask about security within iFrames. I think the VB side is ok.

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