Programming is such a customizable duty. I would like to ask some approaches (not solutions) to coding a program that has a GUI that functions as a cooking timer for hamburgers, steaks, cookies, etc.

Call it reasoning or planning assistance for software development. I am having a tad bit of trouble coming up with things to proceed towards implementation.

Any ideas are welcome and would be greatly appreciated. (NO CODE PLEASE JUST IDEAS)

I am not sure what your program can do. Is it just a simple timer but choosing what you want to cook? If so, I am thinking about Microwave-like interface... Nothing complex at all.

Separate the model from the view...
Start with a CookingTimer class that implements all the required functionality as public methods (no user interface of any kind). Test/debug it by hard-coding calls to those methods and printing the results.
Then, and only then, write a GUI and/or other UIs to front-end it.

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