I just wanted to know about instance method? If static modifier is not applied before does it makes it an instance method ? Plz give an example

Static methods are NOT instance methods! An instance method will operate on instance variables typically, and require an instance to run. A class static method is like a global function, but associated more closely with a class, especially if the class has static member variables.

If static modifier is not applied before does it makes it an instance method ?


commented: Sometimes the simplest answers are the best! +15

Below is a sample code snippet showing difference between static method and instance method.
Static Method

class DetailsBean{
pubic static String setName(String name){
    this.name = name;

Instance Method

class DetailsBean{
    pubic String setName(String name){
        this.name = name;

How to access

Static Method

public class User{
public void populateDetails(){


 public class User{
    public void populateDetails(){
        DetailsBean detailsBean = new DetailsBean();

Hope it was helpful!!

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