Here is my code:


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Register
//Private members
    //Creating an array for all the Prices
    static double Price[];

    //Declaring RegNUM and RecNUM
    int RegNUM, RecNUM;

    //Print out Item name in a loop
    static string items[];

    //Creates a Receipt Structure
    struct Receipt
        //Takes in the number of orders and stores items bought
        int Orders[5];
        double Total = 0;
    //Creating a pointer (RecPTR)
    Receipt *RecPTR;

//Public members
    //Register Constructor

    //Member functions
    void getOrder(int);
    void RecRETURN();

    Register operator+(const Register &right);
    Register operator=(const Register &right);

//Setting the prices for the items within an array
double Register::Price[5] = { 10.99, 19.99, 8.99, 4.99, 10.99 };

//Setting names of the items in order to be displayed in a loop
string Register::items[5] = { "Hammers", "Levels", "Screwdrivers", "Tape Measures", "Wrenches" };

//Constructor with default number of receipt (10) and default register number (0)
Register::Register(int defRec = 10, int defReg = 0)
    //Initialize RecPTR
    RecPTR = new Receipt[defRec];

    //Initialize orders to 0
    for (int j = 0; j < defRec; j++)
        //Setting orders to 0
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            RecPTR[j].Orders[i] = 0;

    //Setting Register Number (RegNUM)
    RegNUM = defReg;

    //Setting the # of receipts
    RecNUM = defRec;

//getOrder function --- input order number to store in right receipt
void Register::getOrder(int OrderNUM)
    int numItem;

    //Displays order number and register number
    cout << "\nHow many of each item do you want to order"
    << "for order no. " << OrderNUM << " in cash register "
    << RegNUM << "?\n";

    //Getting amount for 5 different items
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        //Ask user for the amount of each item bought
        cout << items [i] << "?:  ";
        cin >> numItem;

        //Storing info. with the structure
        RecPTR[OrderNUM-1].Orders[i] += numItem;

        //Calculation for the total
        RecPTR[OrderNUM - 1].Total += (RecPTR[OrderNUM-1].Orders[i] * Price[i]);

    //Calculate total price including the tax
    RecPTR[OrderNUM - 1].Total = RecPTR[OrderNUM - 1].Total * 1.13;


//Member Function to Return Receipts
void Register::RecRETURN()
    //Displaying receipts for both Register 1 and 2
    if (RegNUM <= 2)
        //Displaying the items purchased for each order
        for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
            //Displaying receipts
            cout << "\nThe total tools ordered on receipt no. "
            << j + 1 << " in cash register "
            << RegNUM << " are:\n";
            cout << items[0] << ":" << setw(13) << RecPTR[j].Orders[0] << endl;
            cout << items[1] << ":" << setw(14) << RecPTR[j].Orders[1] << endl;
            cout << items[2] << ":" << setw(8) << RecPTR[j].Orders[2] << endl;
            cout << items[3] << ":" << setw(7) << RecPTR[j].Orders[3] << endl;
            cout << items[4] << ":" << setw(12) << RecPTR[j].Orders[4] << endl;
            cout << "Total with Tax:" << setw(6) << "$" << fixed << setprecision(2)
            << RecPTR[j].Total << endl;

        //Displaying the totals on the registers
        cout << "\nThe total for register " << RegNUM << " is:\n"
        << RegNUM << " are:\n";
        cout << items[0] << ":" << setw(13) << RecPTR[0].Orders[0] + RecPTR[1].Orders[0] << endl;
        cout << items[1] << ":" << setw(14) << RecPTR[0].Orders[1] + RecPTR[1].Orders[1] << endl;
        cout << items[2] << ":" << setw(8) << RecPTR[0].Orders[2] + RecPTR[1].Orders[2] << endl;
        cout << items[3] << ":" << setw(7) << RecPTR[0].Orders[3] + RecPTR[1].Orders[3] << endl;
        cout << items[4] << ":" << setw(12) << RecPTR[0].Orders[4] + RecPTR[1].Orders[4] << endl;
        cout << "Total with Tax:" << setw(6) << "$" << fixed << setprecision(2)
        << RecPTR[0].Total + RecPTR[1].Total << endl;

    //Display register 3 info.
        //Displaying the total for Register 3
        cout << "\nThe two registers combined into register "
        << RegNUM << " are:\n";
        cout << items[0] << ":" << setw(13) << RecPTR[0].Orders[0] << endl;
        cout << items[1] << ":" << setw(14) << RecPTR[0].Orders[1] << endl;
        cout << items[2] << ":" << setw(8) << RecPTR[0].Orders[2] << endl;
        cout << items[3] << ":" << setw(7) << RecPTR[0].Orders[3] << endl;
        cout << items[4] << ":" << setw(12) << RecPTR[0].Orders[4] << endl;
        cout << "Total with Tax:" << setw(6) << "$" << fixed << setprecision(2)
        << RecPTR[0].Total << endl;


// (+) Operator
Register Register::operator+(const Register &right)
    Register tmp;
    for (int j = 0; j < RecNUM; j++)
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
             Adds reg 1,2 for receipt 'j' for each order
             they are then stored in receipt 0 of tmp
            tmp.RecPTR[0].Orders[i] += RecPTR[j].Orders[i] + right.RecPTR[j].Orders[i];
        //Register 1 and 2s totals are added to the tmp total
        tmp.RecPTR[0].Total += RecPTR[j].Total + right.RecPTR[j].Total;

    //Returns tmp
    return tmp;

// (=) Operator
Register Register::operator=(const Register &right)
    //Temporary Register
    Register temp;
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        //Storing the orders into the temporary object
        RecPTR[0].Orders[i] = right.RecPTR[0].Orders[i];

    //Storing the total into the temporary object
    RecPTR[0].Total = right.RecPTR[0].Total;

    //Returns tmp
    return temp;

int main()
    //Creating the 3 register instances
    Register Reg1(10,1), Reg2(10,2), Reg3(0,3);

    cout << "Welcome to Hal's Hardware!\n";
    cout << "I see we have a number of customers\n";
    cout << "There are two cash register available\n\n";

    //Calls getOrder and passes the receipt number

    //Calling RecRETURN

    //Adding totals for Reg1 and Reg2, storing them in Reg3
    Reg3 = Reg1 + Reg2;

    //Calling RecRETURN


My error is line 50 (Register::Register(int defRec = 10, int defReg = 0)) I get addition of default argument on redeclaration makes this constructor a default constructor
I am using xcode and it wont run, but in visual it does and says nothing. I would like it to run in xcode.

Is there anyway of fixing this?`

The default values go in the declaration, on line 32.

The default arguments should be in the class declaration (header), not in the definition. Some compilers may accept this, but many will not.

And also ...

for starters ...

you need a destructor (to plug your memory leak) ...
and probably a copy constructor ...
and your code for the overloaded assignment operator is 'interesting' :)

Fix the above first ...

then (any) other errors will manifest more clearly :)

But if you are using ... not excessively large,

'pre-fixed max-size receipt tapes' ...
on each of your simulated 'cash-registers' ...

probably a much better idea than messing about with dynamic memory,
would be to just use an array,
pre-fixed at compile time,
to hold each 'max-sized receipt tape'

Maybe (an edit of your code) could be ... a little something like this:

// classCashRegister3.cpp //

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

// done here ... so can easily change and re-compile
const int MAX_NUM_RECEIPTS = 10;
const double TAX_RATE = 1.13;

struct Item
    string name;
    double price;
} ;

const Item ITEMS[] =
    { "Hammers", 10.99 }, { "Levels", 19.99 },
    { "Screwdrivers", 8.99 }, { "Tape Measures", 4.99 },
    { "Wrenches", 10.99  }
} ;

const int NUM_ITEMS = sizeof(ITEMS) / sizeof(Item) ;

// a utility used here to facilitate VALID integer input //
int takeInInt( const string msg )
    int val;
    while( true )
        cout << msg << flush;
        if( cin >> val && cin.get() == '\n' )
            cout << "ERROR! Integers ONLY here please ...\n";
            cin.clear(); // clear error flasgs
            cin.sync(); // 'flush' cin stream ...
    return val;

class Register

    struct Receipt
        double total; // to hold dollar total for each order

        // to hold the quantity of each item ordered for an order, i.e. a receipt
        int quantityOrderedItem[NUM_ITEMS];

        // default ctor...
        Receipt() : total(0)
            for( int i = 0; i < NUM_ITEMS; ++ i )
                quantityOrderedItem[i] = 0;
        void takeInOrder()
            for( int i = 0; i < NUM_ITEMS; ++ i )
                // firstly form the 'takeInInt' prompt ...
                ostringstream oss;
                oss << left << setw(23) << ITEMS[i].name + ":  ";

                quantityOrderedItem[i] = takeInInt( oss.str() );
                total += quantityOrderedItem[i] * ITEMS[i].price;
            total *= TAX_RATE; // update total price to include tax

        // so can easily output a receipt showing what was ordered ...
        friend ostream& operator << ( ostream& os, const Receipt& r )
            for( int i = 0; i < NUM_ITEMS; ++ i )
                os << left << setw(14) << ITEMS[i].name + ":" << right << setw(10)
                   << r.quantityOrderedItem[i] << endl;
            return os;
    } ;

    // to hold register id number & recNUM;
    int  regNUM, recNUM;

    // array to hold receipts ...
    Receipt aryRec[MAX_NUM_RECEIPTS];

    // Register Constructor
    Register( int defReg = 0 );

    // 'special' overloaded operator = defined here ...
    // to be used in conjuction here with overloaded op + below //
    Register& operator = ( const Register& r )
        if( this != &r )
            for( int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_RECEIPTS; ++ i ) aryRec[i] = r.aryRec[i];
        return *this;

    // overloaded operator +
    Register operator + ( const Register& right)  const;

    void takeInReceipt( int );
    void recRETURN();
} ;

// Ctor...  note has default register number of regNUM = 0
Register::Register( int defReg ) : regNUM(defReg), recNUM(0)  {}

void Register::takeInReceipt( int orderNUM )
    // Displays register number and order number ...
    cout << "\nCASH REGISTER " << regNUM << ", ORDER " << orderNUM;

    if( orderNUM < MAX_NUM_RECEIPTS && orderNUM >= 0 )
        cout << "\nEnter the quantity ordered for each item.\n";
    else if( orderNUM >= 0 )
        cout << "\nALL EXHAUSTED ... PLEASE CHANGE TAPE!\n";
        cout << "\nERROR!  VALID input here is a number in range 0.."
             << (MAX_NUM_RECEIPTS-1) << "\n\n";

// Function to Return Receipts
void Register::recRETURN()
    cout << fixed << setprecision(2) ;

    //Displaying receipts for both Register 1 and 2
    if( regNUM <= 2 )
        //Displaying the items purchased for each order
        for( int j = 0; j < 2; ++j )
            //Displaying receipts
            cout << "\nThe total tools ordered on receipt no. "
                 << j + 1 << " in cash register " << regNUM << ":\n";

            cout << aryRec[j] << endl;

            cout << "Total with tax: $" << setw(7) << aryRec[j].total << endl;

        //Displaying the totals on the registers
        cout << "\nThe total for register " << regNUM << ":\n";

        cout << aryRec[0] << endl;;

        cout << "Total with tax: $" << setw(7)
             << aryRec[0].total + aryRec[1].total << endl;

    //Display register ***3*** info.
    else // was register 3 ... //
        //Displaying the total for Register 3
        cout << "\nThe two registers combined into register " << regNUM << ":\n";

        cout << aryRec[0] << endl;

        cout << "Total with tax: $" << setw(7) << aryRec[0].total << endl;

// def'n of overloaded operator +
Register Register::operator + ( const Register& right ) const
    Register tmp;
    for( int j = 0; j < MAX_NUM_RECEIPTS; ++j )
        for( int i = 0; i < NUM_ITEMS; ++i )
             Adds reg 1,2 for receipt 'j' for each order
             they are then stored in receipt 0 of tmp
            tmp.aryRec[0].quantityOrderedItem[i] += aryRec[j].quantityOrderedItem[i] +
        //Register 1 and 2s totals are added to the tmp total
        tmp.aryRec[0].total += aryRec[j].total + right.aryRec[j].total;
    return tmp;

int main()
    cout << "Welcome to Hal's Hardware!\n";
    cout << "I see we have a number of customers.\n";
    cout << "There are two cash registers available.\n\n";

   // creating the 2 (customer) register instances
    Register reg1(1), reg2(2);

    // get first two orders for reg1 ...

    // get ... two orders for reg2 ...

    // show results for customer reg1 and reg2 ... for day's orders ...

    // store totals for reg1 and reg2  into   (store) reg3
    Register reg3(3);
    reg3 = reg1 + reg2;

    // show results for store for day ...
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