I'm looking for a way to do report printing. I understand CrystalReports is probably my best bet, but I can't find anything that relates to the way these reports need to look.
My program is meant to record trainings for my company's supervisors. It has several text boxes that contain the person's info, then a datagridview that shows their corresponding training. I'd like a way to print a report that looks like:

ID --from textboxes.
training info     training date     exam date --from datagridview. 
training info     training date     exam date
training info     training date     exam date

I've done several YouTube video tutorial, and they've all been good, but I can't really tie them in back to what I'm attempting to do.
If anyone has had a similar issue, or knows a good tutorial, can give me a starting point, needs me to post more info, or can any way be of help I'd greatly appreciate it. If you know of a good rum to sip while programming, that would be great info too...

Crystal reports can give you a formated report as you desire. To make a report you can use PrintDocument object and PrintPreview Control to make your reports by codification from vb. You can read the post in DaniWeb which can give you a way.

Thanks! I'll check that tutorial out.

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