Hi. I need to write a program that finds the shortest route in directed graph.
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Here is my code:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

const int N = 10;

struct elem
    char key;
    elem *next; 
} *g[N];

void init(elem *g[N])
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        g[i] = NULL;

int search_node(char c, elem *g[N])
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        if (g[i])
            if (g[i]->key == c)
                return 1;

    return 0;

int search_arc(char from, char to, elem *g[N])
    if (search_node(from, g) && search_node(to, g))
        int i = 0;

        while (g[i] == NULL || g[i]->key != from) i++;

        elem *p = g[i];

        while(p->key != to && p->next)
            if (p->key == to)
                return 1;

    return 0;

void add_node(char c, elem *g[N])
    if (search_node(c, g))
        cout << "Node already exists.\n";

    int i = 0;
    while (g[i] && (i < N)) i++;

    if (g[i] == NULL)
        g[i] = new elem;
        g[i]->key = c;
        g[i]->next = NULL;
        cout << "Maximum nodes reached.\n";

void add_arc(char from, char to, elem *g[N])
    if (search_arc(from, to, g))
        cout << "Arc already exists.\n";
        if (!search_node(from, g))
            add_node(from, g);

        if (!search_node(to, g))
            add_node(to, g);

        int i = 0;
        while (g[i] == NULL || g[i]->key != from) i++;

        elem *p = new elem;
        p->key = to;
        p->next = g[i]->next;

        g[i]->next = p;

void del_node(char c, elem *g[N])

    if(search_node(c, g))

        int i = 0;
        while(g[i] == NULL || g[i]->key != c)
        elem *p, *q;

            p = g[i];
            g[i] = g[i]->next;
            delete p;


        for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)

                p = g[i];
                while(p->key != c && p->next)

                    q = p;
                    p = p->next;

                if(p->key == c)

                    q->next = p->next;
                    delete p;



        cout << "\nThe node is not in the graph!" << endl;


void del_arc(char c1, char c2, elem *g[N])

    /*if(search_arc(c1, c2, g))

        int i = 0;



int cnt = 0;

void print(elem *g[N])

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        if (g[i])
            elem *p = g[i];

                cout << p->key << "\t";
                p = p->next;

            cout << endl;

        cout << "Number of nodes: " << cnt << endl;


void dijkstra()

    int s[N] = {0}; // N - number of nodes in graph
    int d[N]; // array, which store the shortest paths from the start
    int p[N]; // p is supporting array containing peaks prior to the current special path
    int w, i;
    s[0] = 1;
    int c[N];

    for(int i = 1; i < N; i++)

        d[i] = c[0, i];
        p[i] = 0;


    for(int i = 1; i < N; i++)

        s[w] = 1;
        for(int i = 1; i < N; i++)
            if(s[i] == 0)
                if(d[i] > d[w] + c[w, i])

                    p[i] = w;
                    d[i] = d[w] + c[w, i];




int main()

    int choice;

        cout<<"\n\t\t\t\t MAIN MENU\n";
        cout<<"\t\t  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #"<<endl;
        cout<<"\t\t  #                                       #";
        cout<<"\n\t\t  #  1. Search node                       #";
        cout<<"\n\t\t  #  2. Search add                        #";
        cout<<"\n\t\t  #  3. Add node                          #";
        cout<<"\n\t\t  #  4. Add arc                           #";
        cout<<"\n\t\t  #  5. Pring graph                       #";
        cout<<"\n\t\t  #  6. Find shortest cycle               #";
        cout<<"\n\t\t  #  7. Delete node                       #";
        cout<<"\n\t\t  #  8. Delete arc                        #";
        cout<<"\n\t\t  #  9. Exit                              #"<<endl;
        cout<<"\t\t  #                                       #";
        cout<<"\n\t\t  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #"<<endl;
        cout<<"\n\t\t  Select your choice: ";

        cin >> choice;


        char node_key;
        char from, to;

            case 1:
                cout << "Node key: ";
                cin >> node_key;
                cout << (search_node(node_key, g) ? "Node exists." : "Node doesn't exist." ) << endl;
            case 2:
                cout << "From: ";
                cin >> from;
                cout << "To: ";
                cin >> to;
                cout << (search_arc(from, to, g) ? "Arc exists." : "Arc doesn't exist." ) << endl;
            case 3:
                cout << "Node key: ";
                cin >> node_key;
                add_node(node_key, g);
            case 4:
                cout << "From: ";
                cin >> from;
                cout << "To: ";
                cin >> to;
                add_arc(from, to, g);
            case 5:
            case 6:
            case 7:
            case 8: 
            case 9:
    } while (true);

    return 0;

I try to use the algorithm of Dijkstra, but something is not working.

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I think I found another way to solve the problem instead of using algorithm of Dijkstra. My graph is (A,B,C,D) and the connections (arcs) between the elements are (A->B), (A->A), (B->C), (B->A), (C->D), (C->A), (D->A) and so cycles are the following: А->B->C->D->A; A->B->C->A; A->B->A; A->A. Program should print the shortest cycle, ie A->A. To solve it i need first to find all cycles, then put them each in a separate list and finally bring the smallest list, which will be the shortest cycle (A-> A), but I do not know how to realize it. At the moment I made connections (arcs) between elements. here's optimized code:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

const int N = 10;

struct elem
    char key;
    elem *next; 
} *g1[N];

void init(elem *g[N])
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        g[i] = NULL;

int search_node(char c, elem *g[N])
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        if (g[i])
            if (g[i]->key == c)
                return 1;

    return 0;

int search_arc(char from, char to, elem *g[N])
    if (search_node(from, g) && search_node(to, g))
        int i = 0;

        while (g[i]->key != from) i++;

        elem *p = g[i]->next;

        while (true)
            if (p == NULL)

            if (p->key == to)
                return 1;

            p = p->next;

    return 0;

void add_node(char c, elem *g[N])
    if (search_node(c, g))
        cout << "Node already exists.\n";

    int i = 0;
    while (g[i] && (i < N)) i++;

    if (g[i] == NULL)
        g[i] = new elem;
        g[i]->key = c;
        g[i]->next = NULL;
        cout << "Maximum nodes reached.\n";

void add_arc(char from, char to, elem *g[N])
    if (search_arc(from, to, g))
        cout << "Arc already exists.\n";
        if (!search_node(from, g))
            add_node(from, g);

        if (!search_node(to, g))
            add_node(to, g);

        int i = 0;
        while (g[i]->key != from) i++;

        elem *p = new elem;
        p->key = to;
        p->next = g[i]->next;

        g[i]->next = p;

void print(elem *g[N])
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        if (g[i] != NULL)
            elem *p = g[i];

            while (p)
                cout << p->key << "\t";
                p = p->next;

            cout << endl;

void iscycle(elem *g[N])


int main()
    system ("cls");

    cout << "init: " << endl;

    cout << "graph 1: " << endl;
    add_arc('a', 'b', g1);
    add_arc('a', 'a', g1);
    add_arc('b', 'c', g1);
    add_arc('b', 'a', g1);
    add_arc('c', 'a', g1);
    add_arc('c', 'd', g1);
    add_arc('d', 'a', g1);


    cout << "cycles: ";

    return 0;

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