Hi all,
Im currently working on a c++ program for school, and I thought it would be nice If i framed the output from a function. I looked all over the web to find a solution to no avail. Im completely stuck. I keep getting 2 errors:

*154:35: error: expected '(' for function-style cast or type construction
        <<"|         "<< (*Function)(int c) <<"         |"<<endl*


*166:21: error: cannot take the address of an rvalue of type 'void'
                Problem1Container(&LineLoop(6), choice);

Im not really sure how to proceed. How do I go about fixing these errors? Below is a code snippet for all the relevent code, as well as a screenshot of the code im having issue with.

Thank you!

P.S if there is any other information I should add, let me know. im fairly new to online forums.

void LineLoop(int size)
    int x;
    string line;
    for(x = 0; x <= size; x++)
            line = line + "-";
        cout << line <<endl;
void Problem1Container(void (*Function) (int c) ,int choice)
    <<"|                             |"<<endl
    <<"|         "<< (*Function)(int c) <<"         |"<<endl
    <<"|                             |"<<endl

void Problem1Pics(int choice)

    string line;
    if(choice == 1) //lines
        Problem1Container(&LineLoop(6), choice);

screenshot: http://prntscr.com/8rs5dm

Show all of the relevant code, including headers (class definitions and function declarations), as well as implementation code for the classes/functions that are failing. You are not providing enough information. We especially need the entire section of code where the errors are occuring and you are only providing segments.

commented: I'm sorry, Ill update it +0

@alek - no problem! I'll look at it after it is posted. At earliest it will be this time tomorrow. I don't get home from work until late.

Here is the full code(keep in mind I have not finished the program yet, im only done with the first problem):

#include <iostream> 
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <stdlib.h>

using namespace std;

void header()
    <<"||  RPS and Dice Game - Alek M----------- ||"<<endl

int gamechoice() //chooses what game
    cout <<endl
        << "*******************************"<<endl 
        << "* 1. Play Rock/Paper/Scissors *" <<endl
        << "* 2. Play Dice Role Game      *" <<endl
        << "* 3.Exit(If any other input)  *" <<endl
        << "*******************************"<<endl 
        <<"Enter your choice: ";

        return 0;

//RPS Game

int RPSProcess(int player, int CPU) //logic for the Rock Paper Scissors
    if(player == CPU)
        cout << "You have a tie!" <<endl;
    else if (player == 1 && CPU == 2)
        cout << "You lose!"<< endl;
    else if (player == 2 && CPU == 3)
        cout << "You lose!"<< endl;
    else if (player == 3 && CPU  == 1)
        cout << "You lose!" << endl;
        cout << "You win!" <<endl;

    return 0;


void RPSInstructions() //prints instructions for Rock Paper Scissors

    cout << endl <<endl
        <<"*****************************" <<endl 
        << "* Rock/Paper/Scissors Game  *"<< endl
        << "* The rules are:            *" <<endl
        << "*\tRock beats scissors *" <<endl
        << "*\tScissors beat paper *" <<endl
        << "*\tPaper beats rock    *" <<endl
        <<"*****************************" <<endl<<endl; 

    cout <<"Game Choices"<<endl
        << "1. Rock"<<endl
        << "2. Paper" <<endl
        <<"Enter your choice: ";

int RPSGenerator() //generates random number 1-3
    return (rand()%3)+1;

int RPSGame() //Runs the Rock Paper Scissors game
    int choice;
    RPSInstructions(); //displays instructions
    cin >> choice;
    choice = tolower(choice);
    int CPU = RPSGenerator(); //sets CPU choice to random generated number
    RPSProcess(choice, CPU); //processes what the result is
return 0;


//dice game

void DiceInstructions() //instructions for the dice game
    cout << endl 
        << "******************************************************************"<<endl 
        << "* Role Dice Game                                                 *"<< endl
        << "* The rules are                                                  *" << endl
        << "*\tYou get 10 points if you get two dice and get a 7.       *" <<endl
        << "*\tYou get 5 if you role two dice and get identical numbers.*" <<endl
        << "*\tYou get 3 points if you role one dice and get 4.         *" <<endl
        << "******************************************************************"<<endl<<endl;

    cout << "Game Choices:" <<endl
        << "\t1. Roll only one dice" <<endl
        << "\t2. Roll two dice" <<endl
        << "\t3.Quit, Exit your program"<<endl<<endl
        <<"Please Enter your choice: ";

void DiceLogic(int D1, int D2) //dice logic
    int score; //score for the game 

    if(D2 == 0) //if theres only 1 die, then Die 2 will be 0 by default
        cout << "You rolled a " << D1 <<endl;
        cout << "You rolled a " << D1 << " and a " << D2 <<endl; //else there are two die. 

    if(D1 + D2 == 7)
        score  = 10;
    else if(D1 ==  D2)
        score = 5;
    else if(D2 == 0 && D1 == 4)
        score = 3;
        score = 0;

    cout << "You Scored a "<< score << "!" << endl;


int DiceGenerator() // generates random number for dice. 
    return (rand()%6)+1;

int DiceGame() //runs the dice game.
    int choice;
    int dieA, dieB;

    cin >> choice;

    dieA = DiceGenerator();
    dieB = DiceGenerator();

    if(choice == 1)
        DiceLogic(dieA, 0);
    else if (choice == 2)
        cout << "Goodbye!" <<endl;

    return choice;

int programstart() //allows you to choose between games and if you want to play again. 
    int choice;
    cin >> choice;

    if(choice == 1)
    else if(choice == 2)
        cout << endl << endl << "Goodbye!" << endl;

    char playagain;
    cout << "Play again?(y/n): ";
    cin >> playagain;
    playagain = tolower(playagain);

    if(playagain =='y')
        cout <<"Goodbye!";

    return 0;

int main() //main function calls the program to start, as well as initilaizes the random generator. 

    return 0;
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