How can one manipulate the vdu. Like to creae a class which can be used to create objects like windows depending on wdth like


hexadecimal-base color
0-border stylethe window will look like this with a color gradient
and can run other programs.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

How can one manipulate the vdu. Like to creae a class which can be used to create objects like windows depending on wdth like


hexadecimal-base color
0-border stylethe window will look like this with a color gradient
and can run other programs.

I'm sorrie I don't understand what you mean :sad:

ok like i mean how can i draw using pixels on the screen. I only know how to wtrite text

Member Avatar for iamthwee

ok like i mean how can i draw using pixels on the screen. I only know how to wtrite text

You will need some third party graphics library.

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