Dim DMC_No As New List(Of Integer)
                cmd.CommandText = "SELECT MC_No FROM tbl_MainComp WHERE EquipTag=  '" & TextBox1.Text & "'"
                Using reader As OleDb.OleDbDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
                    While reader.Read()
                    End While
                End Using

                Dim DFM_No As New List(Of Integer)

                For i = 0 To DMC_No.Count - 1
                    MessageBox.Show(DMC_No.Item(i)) 'This line to to test is there any value in array list and it get the correct value
                    cmd.CommandText = "SELECT FM_No FROM tbl_FailureMode WHERE MC_No=  " & DMC_No.Item(i) & ""
                    Using reader2 As OleDb.OleDbDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
                        While reader2.Read()
                        End While
                    End Using
                    MessageBox.Show(DMC_No.Item(i))'This line to to test is there any value in array list and it get the correct value
                Next i

I think my problem is occuring at this line

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT FM_No FROM tbl_FailureMode WHERE MC_No=  " & DMC_No.Item(i) & ""

When i set the DMC_No.Item(i) value as hard code it able to run smoothly, but when i add the DMC_No.Item(i) and i check the value by using

  Dim sResult As String = String.Join(", ", DFM_No.ToArray())
                Dim str As String
                str = String.Join(",", DFM_No)


It does not return any value

Line 11 redeclares line 1 variable???

Put a breakpoint at

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT FM_No FROM tbl_FailureMode WHERE MC_No=  " & DMC_No.Item(i) & ""

and check the value of DMC_No.Item(i) in either the watch or immediate windows. Note that you don't need the "" at the end. You can just use

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT FM_No FROM tbl_FailureMode WHERE MC_No=  " & DMC_No.Item(i)

or even

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT FM_No FROM tbl_FailureMode WHERE MC_No=  " & DMC_No(i)
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