I recently installed windows vista on a old laptop, and i saw that it
comes with a program called Windows photo gallery.
Is there any way to make a program with all \ most of the features of that program?

Since there is already a program with those features the answer is obviously yes. Whether or not you can write it depends on your level of expertise.

Do you know how to get features like theese:
You click a button, select a folder, default directory is desktop, clikc ok,
and any pictures that are supported in the selected directory are shown
in a listview. You click a photo in the listbox, it will show you it in a picturebox.
There will be controls at the bottom, like opening the selected photo in MS Paint, setting the photo as your desktop background, rotating... etc, you can select the type, like stretch or tile. When you say, find a png in a drive in explorer, you can double-click it and it'l open in the program. Also, it can print photos... A lot of features :( I really dunno how to do it. Any ideas?

If you have no idea how to do any of these things then I suggest you don't try. You'll just be asking us to do it all for you. Start with something simpler and work your way up. If you want all these features but don't want tu use Windows Photo Gallery I suggest you try Faststone Image Viewer. If you are determined you might want to look at this code sample on generating thumbnails.

Well I think you have just answered your question on your second post. You know which tool, component to include within your project, so don't be lazy just get started coding. As just JIM has stated, if you don't know how you can just simply break your project in to parts and search how to do one piece at a time till you complete the entire project.

Ive already layed out the controls and icons, and all ive gotta do is make them work.
By the way, are there any posts here on daniweb about theese features,
so ive got something to go on.

You click a button, select a folder, default directory is desktop, clikc ok

Me.FolderBrowserDialog1.RootFolder = Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop

any pictures that are supported in the selected directory are shown in a listview

Dim dir_info As New IO.DirectoryInfo(FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath)
    Dim AllFiles As IO.FileInfo() = dir_info.GetFiles("*.gif", IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)
    Dim FileName As IO.FileInfo
    For Each FileName In AllFiles

You click a photo in the listbox, it will show you it in a picturebox

PictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile(ListView1.SelectedItems(0).Text)

There will be controls at the bottom, like opening the selected photo in MS Paint, setting the photo as your desktop background, rotating... etc

Well you can do now your research on that I wont feed with everything.

Thanks a LOT!!

If you feel that your question has been answered you might consider marking your question as solved.

Ok, well i tested the code, and it doesn't work...
So, i wont mark as solved yet.
Also please try to awnser another of my posts in linus and unix about cosmos :)

Which part doesn't work? The code is to guide and also give idea of how it can be done. As a coder you should have an idea.

About your Linux, if its within this forum will check it out.

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