I'm having trouble solving this porblem.

Write only the “snippet” of C++ code for a function definition, fillArray, which fills int_array. Repeatedly prompt the user to enter an integer at the keyboard. (Input values should be stored in row order). fillArray has one argument, the 2D array. 'Protect' arrray values from being changed by the function when necessary. This is what I have so far.

void fillArray(int int_array)
    for (int row=0; row<rows; row++)
        for (int column=0; column<columns; column++)
            cout <<"Enter an integer:";

fillArray has one argument, the 2D array

void fillArray(int int_array)

Is that how you declare a 2-dimensional array? You declared it differently in your other thread. That one has two brackets in the declaraction. Why doesn't this one? Or why doesn't the other one have no brackets like this one? Clearly both declarations should have 2 brackets or neither should, right?

It is good for you to learn, as early as possible, some simple 'student type' ways to get numeric imput ...

from a keyboard user,

so that the running program will nor crash if invalid data was entered.

The following little demo may help to get you started in that direction.

// fill2Darray.cpp //

    function definition, fillArray,  fills int_array.

    Repeatedly prompt the user to enter an integer at the keyboard.

    (Input values should be stored in row order).

   *here* the fillArray has TWO arguments: 2Dary & num_rows

    'Protect' arrray values from being changed by the function when necessary.

#include <iostream>

// set what you need here ...
const int NUM_COLS = 4;

// An example od a 'student way' to get valid user input
// from keyboard so program will NOT crash
// IF user enters invalid data. //
void fill2Dary( int matrix[][NUM_COLS], const size_t num_rows )
    for( size_t r = 0; r < num_rows; ++ r )
        std::cout << "Enter " << NUM_COLS << " integers on the next line, to fill row "
                  << (r+1) << ", then press the 'Enter' key:\n";
        for( size_t c = 0 ; c < NUM_COLS ;  )
            if( std::cin >> matrix[r][c] ) ++c;
                std::cout << "Imvalid entry. Please enter whole row "
                          << (r+1) << " again ...\n";
                c = 0;
        std::cin.sync(); // 'flush' any wxtra entries entered at end of row ... //

template < typename T >
void output( const T mat[][NUM_COLS], const size_t num_rows, std::ostream& os = std::cout )
    for( size_t r = 0; r < num_rows; ++ r )
        for( size_t c = 0; c < NUM_COLS; ++ c ) os << mat[r][c] << ' ';
        std::cout << '\n';

int main()
    using std::cout;

    const int num_rows = 2;
    int mat[num_rows][NUM_COLS];

    fill2Dary( mat, num_rows );

    cout << "The 2Dary was: \n";
    output( mat, num_rows );
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