Dear Friends,
i Developed a C# Project with SQL Server Database (Database is not LocalDB) and i want to create a setup file to install on client system havin windows xp 32bit.
Please suggest me how to do it ?

Windows XP ???

you are joking aren't you!

dear John ,
I have serious problem i m not joking .... if is it not posible then please tell me what to do?

Dear Friends,
i am still facing problem to create setup file of my C# Project with SQL server Database.
When I add New Project> Video Studio Installer, after creating Shortcuts for User Destop and Manual Programm forder. and Click Build, i got following error in OUTPUT window

ERROR: File 'log4net.dll' targeting 'AMD64' is not compatible with the project's target platform 'x86'
ERROR: File 'log4net.dll' targeting 'AMD64' is not compatible with the project's target platform 'x86'
WARNING: File 'log4net.dll' targeting 'x64' is not compatible with the project's target platform 'x86'
WARNING: File 'log4net.dll' targeting 'x64' is not compatible with the project's target platform 'x86'

and Build is fail ...Please help me..

The problem is exactly as you gave it. You have 64 bit dll's or code and targeting a 32 bit system. This should fail. There is no easy fix for this one. You'll have to rewrite your code and chand your targeting to x86, 32 bit systems.

As to the joking, I agree. Some may disagree about XP but I no longer target it. Too much trouble for what the client will pay me for the work.

Thank you rproffitt!
But please tell how can i change My Targeting to x86,32 bit system?
please, help me ...

Look at each error. The first one is

ERROR: File 'log4net.dll' targeting 'AMD64' is not compatible with the project's target platform 'x86'

So I will not google what log4net.dll is but each error is read and you resolve it by the method you can. If log4net.dll is not yours you ask them for the x86 version. If log4net.dll is yours, then you recompile to the intended target.

Only you know what log4net.dll is. Maybe you don't need it at all?

Dear ,
I am new in C#... how can i know log4net what is and how to treat with it?
how can i know , log4net i need it or not? please, guide me?

I didn't google that dll for you. Did you research this? Sometimes a very new programmer doesn't research but looks for folk to find out for them. This research is just a google which I left for you. Once you find out what this log4net item is, you can see if the author has a 32 bit version. If they don't you have to make a new app, but without said addon.

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