hye Friends,
I installed my c# app. with crystal reports , all is fine but when i want to generate crystal report , rises DATABASE LOGON dialog box. and asks Log ID and password..
Please, help me....

You need to tell more about your database. If SQL, just go ahead and use your ID and password you setup the database with.

thx dear rproffit
but id and password is blank .. i didnt provide any id and password?

@z, either add some ID and password to the SQL or try the blank id and see what happens. I've seen this before and it's always been something the author forgot. That is, they setup the database but forgot they did what they did.

@rp , you mean i have to install SQL Server again with id and password?

You need to tell more about your SQL server. It should have a management control where you add users, set passwords, etc.

I'm not going to duplicate SQL classes here. All the SQL servers I've used demand accounts to be set up for many reasons.

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