Hi can anyone help me fix my code, i keep on getting erros and option 4 for my main menu will not work.

Problem asks:
Write a program that can be used by a small theater to sell tickets for performances. The theater’s auditorium has 15 rows of seats, with 30 seats in each row. The program should display a screen that shows which seats are available and which are taken. For example, the following screen shows a chart depicting each seat in the theater. Seats that are taken are represented by an * symbol, and seats that are available are represented by a # symbol:

  1. When the program begins, it should ask the user to enter the seat prices for each row. The prices can be stored in a separate array. (Suppose the seats in the same row have the same price)
  2. Once the prices are entered, the program should display a seating chart similar to the one shown above.( The prices should be the values the user entered)
  3. The user may enter the row and seat numbers for tickets being sold. Every time a ticket or group of tickets is purchased, the program should display the total ticket prices and update the seating chart.
  4. The program should give the user an option to see a list of how many seats have been sold, how many seats are available in each row, and how many seats are available in the entire auditorium.
    Input Validation: When tickets are being sold, do not accept row or seat numbers that
    do not exist. When someone requests a particular seat, the program should make sure
    that seat is available before it is sold.

Here is my code:

//Function Declarations
int menu ();                 //To show main menu
void seating_Chart ();               //To show seating chart
const char FULL = '*';            //Seat taken
const char EMPTY = '#';           //Seat open
const int rows = 15;               //Number of rows
const int columns = 30;           //Number of seats per row
char map [rows][columns];         //Array to hold seating chart
double price;
int total = 0;
int seat = 450;
int seat2 = 0;
int Quit = 1;

int main ()
const int Num_Rows = 15;
int price [Num_Rows];
int row2, column2, cost;
int answer;

for (int a = 0; a < rows; a++)
    cout << "Please enter the price for row " << (a + 1) << ":";
    cin >> price [a];

for (int b = 0; b < rows; b++)
    for (int c = 0; c < columns; c++)
        map [b][c] = EMPTY;

int choice;

    choice = menu();      // Shows the main menu function.
    switch (choice)
        case 1:
            cout << "View Prices\n";

            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                cout << "The price for row " << (i + 1) << " is: ";
                cout << price [i] << endl;

        case 2:
            cout << "Buy a Ticket\n";
                cout << "Please select the row you would like to sit in: ";
                cin >> row2;

                cout << "Please select the seat you would like to sit in: ";
                cin >> column2;

                if (map [row2] [column2] == '*')

                    cout << "Sorry that seat is sold-out, Please pick a new seat.";
                    cout << endl;


                    cost = price [row2] + 0;
                    total = total + cost;
                    cout << "The ticket costs: " << cost << endl;
                    cout << "Confirm Purchase? Enter (1 = YES / 2 = NO)";
                    cin >> answer;
                    seat = seat - answer;
                    seat2 += answer;

                    if (answer == 1)

                        cout << "Your purchase has been confirmed." << endl;
                        map [row2][column2] = FULL;


                    else if (answer == 2)

                        cout << "Would you like to look at another seat? (1 = YES / 2 = NO)";
                        cout << endl;
                        cin >> Quit;

            while (Quit == 1);


        case 3:
            cout << "View Available Seats\n";
            seating_Chart ();


        case 4:
            cout << "View Ticket Sales\n";


        case 5:
            cout << "Exit\n";

            while (choice != 5);
return 0;

int menu()

    int menChoice;
cout << endl << endl;
cout << " MAIN MENU\n";
cout << " 1) View Prices.\n";
cout << " 2) Buy a Ticket.\n";
cout << " 3) View Available Seats.\n";
cout << " 4) View Ticket Sales.\n";
cout << " 5) Exit.\n";
cout << "Please enter your choice: ";
cin >> menChoice;
cout << endl << endl;
return menChoice;

   void seating_Chart ()

cout << "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30\n";

for (int count = 0; count < 15; count++)
    cout << endl << "Row " << (count + 1);

    for (int count2 = 0; count2 < 30; count2++)
        cout << " " <<  map [count] [count2];
cout << endl;

Check the pairing of your brace brackets. They aren't paired properly. You are missing a few closing brackets in case 2. You should also remove the final closing brace at the very end.

BTW - If you want something done for case 4 then you should put more there than just an output statement.

Also, I know formatting style is a very personal issue (wars have been fought) but I find that a style like

if (answer == 1) {
    cout << "Your purchase has been confirmed." << endl;
    map [row2][column2] = FULL;
} else if (answer == 2) {
    cout << "Would you like to look at another seat? (1 = YES / 2 = NO)";
    cout << endl;
    cin >> Quit;

makes it easier to understand the code - I can see more of the code at a time. Too much white space dilutes comprehension.

Some IDEs come with a code beautifier tool. In Visual Studio (at least in VS 2012) you can use CTRL-K, CTRL-D or

Edit -> Advanced -> Format Docoment (or Format Selection)

While it won't beautify everything, it WILL reindent which will greatly help identify bracket errors.

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