Hi guys,
I am having an issue finding duplicates in an arrayList.
Here is some code

        studentRecords.add(new Student("Jo", "Pip", "JP000", LocalDate.of(1999,9,23), Sex.FEMALE));
        studentRecords.add(new Student("Tara", "Bot", "TB345", LocalDate.of(1991,9,1), Sex.FEMALE));
        studentRecords.add(new Student("Mara", "Lewart", "ML456", LocalDate.of(1988,5,23), Sex.FEMALE));
        studentRecords.add(new Student("Anna", "Clarke", "AC010", LocalDate.of(1999,1,1), Sex.FEMALE));
        studentRecords.add(new Student("Frank", "Boia", "FB300", LocalDate.of(2001,8,13), Sex.MALE));
        studentRecords.add(new Student("Anna", "Clarke", "AC010", LocalDate.of(1999,1,1), Sex.FEMALE));
        studentRecords.add(new Student("Jo", "Pip", "JP000", LocalDate.of(1999,9,23), Sex.FEMALE));

This is the list of student records stored in an ArrayList.
I have to make sure that I identify the duplicates and store the duplicates in another arrayList, duplicateRecords for the sake of argument.
Now, the first thing I tried was to do something like this

public void findDuplicates() {
        if(!studentRecords.isEmpty()) {
            duplicateRecords = new ArrayList<Student>();
            for(int i = 0; i < studentRecords.size(); i++) {
                for(int j = 1; j < studentRecords.size(); j++) {
                    if(studentRecords.get(i).equals(studentRecords.get(j)) && i != j) {


Which is buggy because, of course, it adds the record for Anna twice. I guess the complexity comes in if there are multiple duplicates, for example what happens if there are 3 records for Anna Clarke? In theory I'd want that to be twice in the duplicateRecords because it is a double duplicate
I can't really think of another approach though, any ideas?

That could be much easier amd faster of you sorted the List (or create a sorted copy) first. Then just store every record that's equal to the previous record.

If not... have you tried changing line 5 to
for(int j = i+1; ...
... which should fix it for one duplicate, but stilll leaves a problem for multiple duplicates.

That could be much easier amd faster of you sorted the List (or create a sorted copy) first. Then just store every record that's equal to the previous record.

Yes, that worked perfectly.
Here is the code.
I slightly changed the collection, adding 2 duplicates and not only one (Anna is there 3 times):

studentRecords.add(new Student("Jo", "Pip", "JP000", LocalDate.of(1999,9,23), Sex.FEMALE));
        studentRecords.add(new Student("Sean", "Due", "SD230", LocalDate.of(1982,10,2), Sex.MALE));
        studentRecords.add(new Student("Bart", "Dowes", "BD333", LocalDate.of(2000,11,23), Sex.MALE));
        studentRecords.add(new Student("Tara", "Bot", "TB345", LocalDate.of(1991,9,1), Sex.FEMALE));
        studentRecords.add(new Student("Mara", "Lewart", "ML456", LocalDate.of(1988,5,23), Sex.FEMALE));
        studentRecords.add(new Student("Anna", "Clarke", "AC010", LocalDate.of(1999,1,1), Sex.FEMALE));
        studentRecords.add(new Student("Ahmed", "Mohammed", "AM222", LocalDate.of(1990,2,23), Sex.MALE));
        studentRecords.add(new Student("Dan", "Tissip", "DT599", LocalDate.of(1988,4,12), Sex.MALE));
        studentRecords.add(new Student("Frank", "Boia", "FB300", LocalDate.of(2001,8,13), Sex.MALE));
        studentRecords.add(new Student("Anna", "Clarke", "AC010", LocalDate.of(1999,1,1), Sex.FEMALE));
        studentRecords.add(new Student("Darla", "Roberts", "DR432", LocalDate.of(1979,10,10), Sex.FEMALE));
        studentRecords.add(new Student("Jo", "Pip", "JP000", LocalDate.of(1999,9,23), Sex.FEMALE));
        studentRecords.add(new Student("Anna", "Clarke", "AC010", LocalDate.of(1999,1,1), Sex.FEMALE));

then the class Student extends Comparable and overrides compareTo

public class Student implements Comparable<Student> {
    public int compareTo(Student o) {

        return this.name.compareTo(o.name);

and the main class calls the findDuplicates method which has all the logic, sorting the elements and comparing each record to the previous one as you suggested

public void findDuplicates() {
        duplicateRecords = new ArrayList<Student>();
        Collections.sort(studentRecords);//sorting the collection
        for(int i = 1; i < studentRecords.size(); i++) {
            Student currentStudent = studentRecords.get(i);
            Student previousStudent = studentRecords.get(i - 1);
            if(currentStudent.equals(previousStudent)) {


This prints

Student [name=Anna, surname=Clarke, studentNumber=AC010, dob=1999-01-01, sex=FEMALE]
Student [name=Anna, surname=Clarke, studentNumber=AC010, dob=1999-01-01, sex=FEMALE]
Student [name=Jo, surname=Pip, studentNumber=JP000, dob=1999-09-23, sex=FEMALE]

Yes, that worked perfectly.

Of course it did! ;)

Glad to have helped

ps: Mark Question Solved?

Cool, thanks

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