Let me declare from the start my "innocence" in C++. :cheesy: I did some "C" progs but I ran over a C++ code which I am supposed to modify. Modifications are not hard, but it is hard to get a compilation. :sad: I don't know what compiler had been originally used because these folks are long gone ...

I am including the code (minus functions) and the errors hoping that someone could help me. Many Thnks and sorry for the lenghty message ...
Vio =================================>

LIST OF ERRORS: line 49 has been marked below with "-----" dashes

--------------------Configuration: nievio - Win32 Debug--------------------
F:\nie\Parser\nievio.cpp(49) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'oedits'
F:\nie\Parser\nievio.cpp(49) : error C2501: 'edits' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
F:\nie\Parser\nievio.cpp(49) : fatal error C1004: unexpected end of file found
Error executing cl.exe.
nievio.obj - 3 error(s), 0 warning(s)

#include "stdafx.h"
#define _MAIN_
#define _NIE_
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define RECSIZE 400
#include "nie.h"
#include "edits.h"
#include "gpmsxref.h"
struct _record1 rec_1;
struct _record2 rec_2;
struct _record3 rec_3;
struct _record4 rec_4;
struct _record5 rec_5;
struct _record6 rec_6;
struct _record7 rec_7;
struct _record8 rec_8;
struct _record9 rec_9;
struct _record10 rec_10;
int E_O_F;
/*************************** MAINTENANCE HISTORY **************************/
/* */
/* */

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
// The one and only application object
CWinApp theApp;
using namespace std;

edits oedits; // This is line 49 having the C2146, C2501 and C1004 errors ----------------------------------------

int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[], TCHAR* envp[])
int nRetCode = 0;
// initialize MFC and print and error on failure
if (!AfxWinInit(::GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL, ::GetCommandLine(), 0))
// TODO: change error code to suit your needs
cerr << _T("Fatal Error: MFC initialization failed") << endl;
nRetCode = 1;
// TODO: code your application's behavior here.
int loop;
int done;
// static struct ffblk ffblk;
struct _finddata_t ffblk;
// clrscr ();
printf ("NNN Pre-Processor v.7.1w\nCompiled 8/14/2000\n\n");
if (argc != 12)
printf ("\nThis program takes the upload data from XXX center and\n");
printf ("outputs a file formated for input into YYY system.\n\n");
printf ("\n USEAGE: NNN FileIn FileOut insxref inserrlog");
printf ("\n insNameStart insNameLen hospCodeStart");
printf ("\n hospCodeLen GPMSCodeStart GPMSCodeLen\n");
printf ("\n lDelayCnt\n\n");
return (1);

strcpy (xrefFileName, argv[ 3]);
strcpy (logFileName, argv[ 4]);
INSNAMESTART = atoi(argv[ 5]);
INSNAMELEN = atoi(argv[ 6]);
HOSPCODESTART = atoi(argv[ 7]);
HOSPCODELEN = atoi(argv[ 8]);
GPMSCODESTART = atoi(argv[ 9]);
GPMSCODELEN = atoi(argv[10]);
lDelayCnt = atol(argv[11]);
lDropDate = getDropDate(lDelayCnt);
E_O_F = 0;
done = _findfirst (argv[1],&ffblk);
if (!(done>0))
if (head != NULL)
printf("reading head \n");
releaseList (head);
return (1);
if (done)
loop = 0;
loop =1;
head = (XLIST *)buildXref (xrefFileName, logFileName);
if (head == NULL)
while (!loop)
cp = (FILELIST *)malloc (sizeof (FILELIST));
cp->next = NULL;
// printf("'%s'\n",ffblk.ff_name);
strcpy (cp->fileName, ffblk.name);
if (firstFile == NULL)
firstFile = cp;
insertInList (cp);
// printf("in loop inserlist %s\n",cp);
loop = _findnext (done,&ffblk);
// oedits.getchh();
if ((DataOut = fopen(argv[2], "w")) == NULL)
printf ("\n Can't open output file '%s'\n\n", argv[2]);
if (head != NULL)
// printf("inside dataout condition");
releaseList (head);
return (1);
cp = firstFile;
while (cp != NULL)
// printf(" %s '%s'\n",cp,cp->next);
processFile ();
E_O_F = 0;
cp = cp->next;
if (head != NULL)
releaseList (head);
// printf("In the end of program\n");
printf ("\n\nFinished Processing NNN Data\n\n");
return nRetCode;

/**************************** PROCESS FILE ********************************/
/* */
/* */
/* */
int processFile()
static int j = 0;
static int i = 0;
char s[39+1];
char sSite[4];
char smmddyyyy[8 + 1];
strcpy(sSite, "NNN");
printf ("\nProcessing File: %s\n",cp->fileName);
// printf ("Size of Record In: %d\n", sizeof(recIn));
if ((DataIn = fopen (cp->fileName, "r")) != NULL)
while (E_O_F != 1)
getRecord (DataIn, &recIn);
strncpy(smmddyyyy, rec_2.AdmitDate, 2);
strncpy(smmddyyyy+2, rec_2.AdmitDate+3, 2);
strncpy(smmddyyyy+4, rec_2.AdmitDate+6, 4);
smmddyyyy[8] = NULL;
lCurrAdmitDate = dateInDays(smmddyyyy,0);
if (lCurrAdmitDate > lDropDate) /* Filter Records Older than drop date.*/
/******************* begin processing lines *******************/
oedits.padStrR (rec_1.patAccNo, sizeof (rec_1.patAccNo), s, 15, ' ');
fprintf (DataOut, "|%s|\n", s);
// printf("rec %s\n", s); oedits.getchh();
oedits.mmddyyyyDateOut (DataOut, rec_2.AdmitDate, 1);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_1.patAccNo, 20, 2);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_2.patMedRecNo, 20, 3);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_1.patFName, 15, 4);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_1.patLName, 20, 5);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, sSite, 3, 6);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_2.TimeAdmitted, 4, 7);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, "INT", 3, 8);
oedits.mmddyyyyDateOut (DataOut, rec_1.patDOB, 9);
oedits.cOut (DataOut, '1', 10);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_1.patEmplyName, 30, 11);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_1.patEmplyAddr1, 30, 12);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_1.patEmplyAddr2, 30, 13);
oedits.nullOut (DataOut, 14, 14);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, trimZeros(rec_1.patEmplyPhone,10), 10, 15);
oedits.nullOut (DataOut, 16, 16);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_1.patEmplyCity, 20, 17);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_1.patEmplyState, 2, 18);
oedits.zipOut (DataOut, rec_1.patEmplyZip, 9, 19);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_1.patEmplyCode, 9, 20);
oedits.nullOut (DataOut, 21, 21);
insOut (DataOut, rec_5.PrimPayCode, rec_5.PrimInsName, 22);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_5.PrimInsAddr1, 30, 23);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_5.PrimInsAddr2, 30, 24);
oedits.nullOut (DataOut, 25, 27);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_5.PrimInsCity, 20, 28);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_5.PrimInsState, 2, 29);
oedits.zipOut (DataOut, rec_5.PrimInsZip, 9, 30);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, GlobalGPMSCode,GPMSCODELEN, 31);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_5.PrimPayCode, 10, 32);
insOut (DataOut, rec_7.SecPayCode, rec_7.SecInsName, 33);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_7.SecInsAddr1, 30, 34);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_7.SecInsAddr2, 30, 35);
oedits.nullOut (DataOut, 36, 38);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_7.SecInsCity, 20, 39);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_7.SecInsState, 2, 40);
oedits.zipOut (DataOut, rec_7.SecInsZip, 9, 41);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, GlobalGPMSCode,GPMSCODELEN, 42);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_7.SecPayCode, 10, 43);
insOut (DataOut, rec_9.TerPayCode, rec_9.TerInsName, 44);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_9.TerInsAddr1, 30, 45);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_9.TerInsAddr2, 30, 46);
oedits.nullOut (DataOut, 47, 49);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_9.TerInsCity, 20, 50);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_9.TerInsState, 2, 51);
oedits.zipOut (DataOut, rec_9.TerInsZip, 5, 52);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, GlobalGPMSCode,GPMSCODELEN, 53);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_9.TerPayCode, 10, 54);
oedits.nullOut (DataOut, 55, 60);
oedits.mm_dd_yyyyAgeOut (DataOut, rec_1.patDOB, 8, 61);
oedits.nullOut (DataOut, 62, 64);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_3.GuarantorAddr1, 30, 65);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_3.GuarantorAddr2, 30, 66);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_3.GuarantorCity, 20, 67);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_3.GuarantorFName, 15, 68);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, trimZeros(rec_3.GuarantorWPhone,10), 10, 69);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_3.GuarantorLName, 30, 70);
oedits.middleInitOut (DataOut, rec_3.GuarantorIName, 71);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_3.GuarantorState, 2, 72);
oedits.zipOut (DataOut, rec_3.GuarantorZip, 9, 73);
oedits.nullOut (DataOut, 74, 98);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_6. Ins1SSN, 9, 99);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_8. Ins2SSN, 9, 100);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_10. Ins3SSN, 9, 101);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_6.Ins1FName, 15, 102);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_8.Ins2FName, 15, 103);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_10.Ins3FName, 15, 104);
oedits.nullOut (DataOut, 105, 107);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_5.PrimGroupNo, 20, 108);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_7.SecGroupNo, 20, 109);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_9.TerGroupNo, 20, 110);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_6.Ins1LName, 30, 111);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_8.Ins2LName, 30, 112);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_10.Ins3LName, 30, 113);
oedits.middleInitOut (DataOut, rec_6.Ins1IName, 114);
oedits.middleInitOut (DataOut, rec_8.Ins2IName, 115);
oedits.middleInitOut (DataOut, rec_10.Ins3IName, 116);
relOut (DataOut, rec_5.PrimRelateCode, 117);
relOut (DataOut, rec_7.SecRelateCode, 118);
relOut (DataOut, rec_9.TerRelateCode, 119);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_6.Ins1Sex, 1,120);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_8.Ins2Sex, 1,121);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_10.Ins3Sex, 1,122);

oedits.nullOut (DataOut, 123,132);
maritalOut (DataOut, rec_1.patMaritalStatus, 133);
oedits.middleInitOut (DataOut, rec_1.patIName, 134);
oedits.nullOut (DataOut, 135, 136);
oedits.nullOut (DataOut, 137, 139);
oedits.nullOut (DataOut, 140, 143);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_1.patAddr1, 30, 144);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_1.patAddr2, 30, 145);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_1.patCity, 20, 146);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_1.patPhone, 10, 147);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, rec_1.patState, 2, 148);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, trimZeros(rec_1.patEmplyPhone,10), 10, 149);
oedits.zipOut (DataOut, rec_1.patZip, 9, 150);
oedits.nullOut (DataOut, 151, 151);
raceOut (DataOut, rec_1.patRace, 152);
oedits.nullOut (DataOut, 153, 157);
oedits.cOut (DataOut, rec_1.patSex, 158);
ssnOut (DataOut, rec_1.patSSN, 159);
oedits.nullOut (DataOut, 160, 165);
oedits.sOut (DataOut, "ER", 2, 166);
oedits.nullOut (DataOut, 167, 175);
oedits.padStrR (rec_1.patAccNo, sizeof (rec_1.patAccNo), s, 15, ' ');
fprintf (DataOut, "!%s!\n", s);
printf ("%c%c%c%c%c%c%06d",8,8,8,8,8,8,++j);
printf ("\nUnable to open and process: %s\n", cp->fileName);
return (0);
} /*************** end process files ********************/
// Different Functions deleted

you missing a ';' and a '}', id need to knwo more about ur program to help u with ur other error.

where is file edit.h?

I am a beginner to VC++, started just today. I get the same error for my first program:


int_stdcall WinMain(HINSTANCE i, HINSTANCE j, LPSTR k, int l)


error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'WinMain'
error C2501: 'int_stdcall' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
fatal error C1004: unexpected end of file found.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Try adding a space between int and _stdcall.

In the future, try to put your code between [code][/code]. For example, writing the following...

int _stdcall WinMain(HINSTANCE i, HINSTANCE j, LPSTR k, int l)

...will produce the following:


int _stdcall WinMain(HINSTANCE i, HINSTANCE j, LPSTR k, int l)

Thanks..the compiler error's gone, however there is a linker error that says:

error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _main
fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

Please help..

Thanks..the compiler error's gone, however there is a linker error that says:

error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _main
fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

You have set up your build tool to create a console application, but you have code for a Windows GUI application. Try creating a new project and select "Win32 Application" instead of "Win32 Console Application". Then try rebuiliding your code. Or else try changing your code to this.


int main(void)

My VC++ program compiles only if I add #include<windows.h> in all the files in my project. Is there any way by which I can put the #include directive in a common place?

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