hi am in urgent need of a good vb 6.0 project with oracle.i will be very thankfull if u could help me as soon as possible

school / hospital?

It is a College project

Maybe he means build a POS (Point of Sale) Register, Something for teachers to keep track of student's grades, and averages, or something for a hospital, where patience sign in, receive medical care (which gets documented into the DB) and gets discharged....

i want the whole project fully finished do u ahve one where u could send me one

were not gonna do ur homework for you

for my gcse i made a shop in vb.net ASP and SQL - kinda like dabs and that took me under a week

commented: Nice Call On The HomeWork +5

i want the whole project fully finished do u ahve one where u could send me one

How much time will you give me to develop it? Are your specification complete enough for me to quickly code the project? How much is your grade worth to you? It's going to cost a bundle.

Yeah, We aren't going to do your work for you..... if you need help, that's one thing.

Yeah, We aren't going to do your work for you.....

Speak for yourself :twisted:

sorry, couldn't resist....

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