Hello guys,
This code returns 2 errors and I dont understand why.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

char choice;
void M();
void C();
void Process();

void M(){
	cout <<"Multiplication\n";
void C(){
	cout << "Calculation\n";
void Process(){
	cout << "Make a choice\n"
		<< "C or M only\n";
	cin >> choice;
	while (strcmp(choice, "M")!=0) || (strcmp(choice, "C")!=0){
		cout << "ERROR Enter again";
	cin >> choice;

void main () {
	while (strcmp(choice, "M") == 0){
	while (strcmp(choice, "C") == 0){
		return ;

Any idea? thanks

Oh... I got it. I'm using strcmp to compare a char variable. :)

Good, well next time try doing the checking first Ok

Hello my poor c++ programmers
strcmp take two argument of type char * i.e array of character not char
i.e you can compare between
char *p = "SADDAM",l= "BOOSH";
cout << strcmp(p,l);
i hope you understand this thing

Hello my poor c++ programmers
strcmp take two argument of type char * i.e array of character not char
i.e you can compare between
char *p = "SADDAM",l= "BOOSH";
cout << strcmp(p,l);
i hope you understand this thing

What makes you so rich abu_sager?

Abu & FireNet,

Let's keep the discussion Technical, and leave the other stuff off the boards please. That is what we are here for. Let's choose our wording better next time.


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